━ xix. elsa and anna

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━━ AFTER GRABBING AN ENSEMBLE of winter clothes, Wanda was prepared. She had borrowed a grey coat from Sam, some navy, oversized gloves from Steve, and a white set that came with earmuffs, a scarf, and a wooly hat from Nat.

She made her way to the shooting range while wearing the warm clothes, which proved to be a mistake; she was sweating buckets.

When she opened the door to the shooting range, she peeked inside, looking around the large room. After realizing no one was with her, she quietly closed the door behind her before sitting on the cold ground.

She began to remove her hat, gloves, and scarf with a sigh. Retrieving the warm clothes was easy; it was the waiting that was hard.

This moment hadn't left her mind since last night. She had been anxiously waiting for five o'clock to come around. She even made a point to arrive five minutes early.

Wanda had been dreading this moment ever since Aleyna told her to come. She hated surprises, and the unknown made her nervous.

So, trusting a roommate she had only known for about five months absolutely terrified her.

Although, she did trust Aleyna more than the other Avengers. She understood her situation more, and it was nice to have a girl her age with whom she could joke with.

Everyone else was either an adult- especially Steve- or they were too professional. Either way, Wanda still wasn't sure if they could be trusted. She still had a nagging thought in the back of her head that kept her walls raised.

But when Aleyna came into the picture, the walls fell ever-so-slightly.

As Wanda unconsciously twisted her rings and stared out of the window in thought, Aleyna opened the door, clothed in the warm wardrobe of the older members. "Wanda?" She called, the Sokovian girl's attention now focusing on her.

"Why'd you call me down here, Leyna?" Wanda asked, looking up at her. "I feel like I'm in a desert."

"I know, I know." Aleyna nodded before shutting the door. "Well, I've been checking the weather a lot recently, and it's below freezing outside right now."

"How perfect." Wanda teased lightheartedly. "No, wait, hear me out!"  Aleyna extended her hand to Wanda, helping the girl stand up. "I know Sokovia was pretty warm, so I doubt you've seen a lot of snow."

"Go on...?"

"Well, I know it's not snowing right now, but I wanted to show you something that's at least similar to it. So, close your eyes." The Ukrainian girl smiled giddily, Wanda's brow lifting.

"How do I know you're not gonna shank me?" Wanda's arms crossed as Aleyna rolled her eyes.

"Oh my God, I'm not shanking you. Just close your eyes!"

Wanda gave in with a sigh, shutting her eyes as Aleyna put her hands on the girl's tense shoulders. "Now, just relax. Just breath."

"I wouldn't be alive if I weren't breathing."

"Wanda!" Aleyna lightly hit her in the arm, but because of the layers, Wanda barely felt it. "Seriously! Just chill!"

The older Avenger took a deep breath, her lids fluttering faintly as she waited. Aleyna focused all of her energy on Wanda's body, the girl's formerly solid form liquidating and turning into water.

The water slipped through the small cracks in the wall before floating to the frozen river outside.

The water began to form on top of the frozen river, Wanda blinking after realizing what happened. She looked around, her sight muddied by a thin cloud of her breath.

She looked up to the shooting range to find another clump of water floating down to her. Wanda watched as the water took the form of Aleyna, the color returning to her skin and clothes.

"How did you-" Wanda remarked, her cheeks and nose now a rosy pink. "When did you learn to do that?"

"Lots of practice!" Aleyna gave an elated smile as she stood up, her hand reaching for Wanda. Wanda accepted it, letting the girl pull her to her feet. "I know this isn't snow, but hopefully, it's close enough."

Wanda looked around her in pure shock. Her eyes squinted as the cool wind blew into her face and eyes.

Although the sun would be setting right about now, the clouds blocked it, making the world seem darker than it was. The breeze blew into the trees and shrubbery around them, the vegetation flowing freely.

She took in the world; when was the last time she had been outside of the compound? She turned back to Aleyna, who shivered gently, but still kept a warm smile on her face. "Do you like it?" She asked in a soft voice.

Wanda, who couldn't seem to get a word out, could only pull the younger girl into a tender hug, Aleyna tensing up at the sudden touch. She began to relax, wrapping her arms around the Sokovian girl.

"I hope you know how to skate." Aleyna spoke into Wanda's ear, her voice barely above a whisper. Wanda let go of the girl before gliding in wide circles around Aleyna, Aleyna soon following suit.

The two girls spent hours drifting on the frozen river, the cold nipping at their noses, the crisp breeze blowing through their hair.

Little did they know, their absence did not go unnoticed.

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As Aleyna's watery body slipped through the small cracks in the wall, Wanda began to remove the extra clothes, letting the scarf and jacket rest on her shoulder.

She waited as Aleyna solidified before speaking again. "Thank you, Aleyna." She nodded while putting the gloves into the pocket of her jacket. "Really."

"Don't mention it." Aleyna insisted sweetly, pulling the fuzzy, red toboggan off of her head. "If anything, I should be thanking you."


"Not killing me." Aleyna looked down to unbutton the lightweight, creme-colored sweater that she had worn under the thicker jacket. "And helping me with this plan. I wouldn't have been able to think of it without you." She looked up to Wanda, tucking her hair behind her ears. "So, thank you."

"I guess we both have reasons to be thanked." A grin grew on Wanda's face as she twisted the rings on her left hand. "I just realized that this is the nicest we've been to each other."

"It..." Aleyna thought before answering. "It is."

"I have something to celebrate." The Sokovian girl gave a mischievous smirk, Aleyna's brow raising. "You have...?" Aleyna slipped the gloves off of her hands.

"Something to cele-" began Wanda, only to be interrupted by the abrupt sound of the door opening aggressively.

The two girls flinched at the sudden noise, their shock replaced with fear after realizing that a familiar redhead stood on the other side with an uncharacteristically angry look on her face.

"Where...the hell...were you?!"

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word count: 1134

Well that was fun... for a minute


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