━ xviii. work smarter, work harder

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━━ "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY'RE PLANNING?" Nat demanded, standing in the doorframe of Vision's room. She knew that he had been getting closer to Wanda, their friendship growing along with Nat's suspicion.

She had a feeling that something was going to happen, but she couldn't seem to figure out what. It haunted her as if it were a fly forever buzzing around her ears.

Now, she planned to grab the fly-swatter and kill it in its tracks.

"Who's planning what?" Vision inquired, his eyes still closed, his legs still crossed. He had been meditating in the corner of his room before Nat's arrival, his body floating in mid-air.

"Maximoff and Tunikova." Nat informed him coldly. "They stole my necklaces."

"You wear jewelry?" Vision's head tilted to the side. The redhead didn't seem to enjoy glittery things; she preferred neutral colors like greys, blacks, and browns. Knowing this, Vision was shocked.

"No, they turn you invisible when you hold your breath. I use them on missions sometimes. Point is, they were gone."

"Were? In the past tense?"

"They were put back."

"...It appears to be that you just lost them, Agent Romanoff." Vision offered his advice honestly. "It's a simple mistake."

"I don't make careless mistakes. That wasn't me. I don't just lose valuable tools like they don't matter. Somebody took them, and I'll bet money it was them."


"Because no one else cares! Steve wouldn't notice, Sam doesn't even go in my room, you already have invisibility abilities, and Fury is... well, he's Fury." Nat ranted, closing the door as Vision's body slowly floated to the ground. "He doesn't care. They're the only ones left that would have an interest in them. The question is why. Why do they need them so badly? Are they planning a coup or something?"

"Do you wish for me to ask, Agent Romanoff?" Vision offered, uncrossing his legs and standing up, towering over the shorter woman.

"No, no. I have to catch them in the act first. Catch them with cake on their faces." She answered, crossing her arms while brainstorming ideas. Nat knew what had to be done; the only thing left was to figure out how.

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As Nat angrily paced around in circles in the living room, Aleyna and Wanda sat on the floor of the boxing ring in the gym. Wanda suggested that they hid there; after all, who would look for them there?

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