━ xiii. dr. vision, the friend-thapist

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━━ "ALEYNA?" VISION GENTLY KNOCKED on the door of Aleyna's bedroom, peeking inside. "Everything ok, Vis?" The girl looked up. She had been lying in bed, reading a book that she borrowed from Sam.

"Um," He started, entering the room, shutting the door behind him. "Do you know anything about the sexuality spectrum?"

"I'm sorry?" Aleyna shut her book. "Are you- what are you trying to insinuate?"

"I could search for it online, but... human interaction is better, in my opinion." He explained, sitting at the foot of her bed. "Agent Romanoff has been telling me that I should interact with humans more often."

"Mhm..." The girl slowly nodded, her eyes squinting with suspicion. "Why that specific issue?"

"Well, sexuality has to do with humans, doesn't it? I want to learn from you without a screen. Like- like a hands-on experience. Sure, it's simple to look it up online, but why do that when you're here?"

Aleyna beamed at the synthezoid, even though she had a sneaking suspicion that this conversation was for a different reason. "Well, what's your question?"

"Ok, it's more of a hypothetical question." Vision began. "Rhetorical, if you will. Let's... let's say you know someone who is struggling... struggling with their inner self. They don't know who they like, or what to do about it. Um, if you were in my shoes, hypothetically, of course, what would you do?"

"Is this your friend?"

"Yes." He answered definitively. "They are."

"And do I know this person?"

"I don't believe so."

Aleyna paused to think, furrowing her brows and biting the inside of her cheek.

"Depends on the person." She concluded. "Some people may ask for help. Some may not. I think- I think you'd just need to decide on what to do based on their personality. Um, I would- I would tell them that- that you're here for them, and that you're always open if they need to talk. I mean, you'd already be a good therapist. Be a therapist, just without the money. A friend-therapist." She gasped. "A friend-thapist!"

"A... a friend-thapist?" Vision cocked his head. "That's not a profession."

"Well, I just made it up. So, now it is. Dr. Vision the friend-thapist."

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