━ xxvii. somebody that i used to know

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Major Black Widow spoilers! Look out for the warning!

━━ AFTER THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SANDBAGS, Wanda had headed back to her room, the memory of her family circling around in her head. She opened the door, hastily moving her frizzy hair out of her face and wiping the salty sweat from her forehead. In truth, the girl needed a warm shower.

But she had no energy left take one, so she flopped into her bed, crawling under the covers before the tears began to escape her eyes and rush down her cheeks.

She sniffled as her head throbbed with pain, which usually happened during a mental breakdown. Her nails dug into her pillows, something that Aleyna noticed when she looked into the room.

"Wanda?" She called softly, slowly approaching the bed while closing the door behind her. "Wanda, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," The girl sniffled. "Go away."

"Wanda, you look like you're gonna explode." She crouched down to Wanda's eye level, trying to her eye to meet Wanda's. "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing! I said go away!" The girl insisted, pulling the covers over her head. "Leave me alone."

Aleyna let out a sigh before noticing Wanda's hand that laid on the pillow. She reached out to hold it, her thumb turning the rings on Wanda's fingers.

"Do you really want me to go away, or are you just saying that because you're upset?" The Ukrainian girl asked softly, Wanda's shoulders shrugging.

"I miss Pietro." She confessed, sniffling. As Wanda spoke, a vision of Pietro running appeared in front of the foot of her bed, Aleyna watching in awe as his silver locks rushed in the wind that his speed created.

The vision looked so like-life that it made Aleyna think that she was dreaming. "Well," Aleyna refocused, looking to Wanda again. "Do you think Pietro would want you sobbing over him?"

"N- No."

"Well, think of it like this." She tucked her hair behind her ears as she gently pulled the covers back, revealing Wanda's tear-stained face. "Pietro is gone, yes... but he's not in pain anymore."

Wanda's small sobs paused as she looked to Aleyna. She pondered Aleyna's words, sniffling quietly as she held the girl's hand tighter. "Do you still want me to leave?" The Ukrainian girl spoke softly. Wanda shook her head, scooting over to make space for Aleyna.

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