━ xx. fresh fighting machines

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━━ "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" Nat reprimanded angrily. After realizing that the girls were outside of the shooting range, she brought them into the conference room to talk some sense into them.

The youngest Avengers sat on the other side of Nat and Steve, the older members giving scolding looks. Steve laid back in his chair, his brows furrowed and his arms crossed.

The teens were slouched in their seats, and Aleyna couldn't seem to get her eye to meet Nat's as the woman yelled.

"You could've gotten seriously injured! The ice could've broken, somebody could've seen you... the possibilities are endless. You two are too smart to do this, knowing that your lives would be in danger. What the hell were you thinking?" Nat ranted as Aleyna bit her cheek while Wanda timidly played with her rings.

For once, neither girl had a quick response. Of course, they had seen their teammates upset, but never to this degree.

"We just wanted to leave the compound for once," Aleyna spoke up as her eyes bore daggers directly into Nat's. "Sorry we wanted freedom, Nat."

"You know you shouldn't leave the compound, Aleyna." Steve reminded her in a gentle yet firm voice. "You and Wanda know that the world is dangerous, and the heat's been turned up for you since you joined us. I mean, you don't see us disappear into the outside world, do you?"

"I see you disappear into Nat's room for your little rendezvous every once in a while." Aleyna clapped back as Wanda bit her tongue to keep from laughing.

"Tunikova-" Nat began, only to get interrupted by the Ukrainian girl.

"No, don't 'Tunikova' me! That's all you do. Nat, I have been here for what, five months? I have yet to hear you call me by my first name! And you don't call me by my name like I'm a human, because to you, I'm not. I-" Aleyna shared a brief look with Wanda before continuing her argument.

"We aren't human to you. We're prisoners. Two extra mouths to feed. Two young, fresh fighting machines. And, this is different for Wanda, but you're acting like I wasn't kidnapped! You literally took me to a new country and just expected me to, what, be ok with it? Are you on crack? No, that's an insult to crack addicts- are you alright in the head? Do you think that I'm just going to sit here and let myself be chained to the compound with my captors?"

"You know why we-" The blond man piped up before Aleyna stopped him again.

"Don't even start with me, Boy Wonder, because I'm far from finished." She disrupted his sentence, her eyes narrowing in rage. "Point is, this isn't a Disney movie. I'm not Belle. You can't just take me and expect me to not want to be outside." She let out a sigh.

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