━ xxvi. everyone's sad

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━━ AFTER THE PHONE CALL, Nat tossed her phone on the bed, letting out a long sigh. Raking her fingers through her short, auburn hair, she looked up at the door when she heard gentle knocking.

"Tunikova?" She called out while lowering herself onto the grey sofa chair in front of the window. Aleyna opened the door slowly, peering into the room. "Trying to figure out how to escape again?" Nat scoffed, putting her face in her hands.

"Do you hate us?" Aleyna questioned, the door closing behind her.

"Excuse me?" The redhead looked up.

"I mean, I get we're supposed to be mad at each other and everything, but... I still don't think you like us. I've been here for months, and you don't call me by my first name. You don't talk to me unless you have to. You were nice once, and that was when Wanda and I were arguing. So, do you hate us? More specifically, do you hate me?" Aleyna's head tilted to the side as she spoke.

"I don't hate you, Aleyna." Nat groaned, laying back on the chair. "I really don't. But it doesn't help that you tried to escape after lying about the necklaces that you used to escape. But I don't hate you, I promise."

"So you're just professional all the time?"

"Basically." The redhead looked up at the brunette. "I do care about you and Wanda. Why do you think I cared so much when you two went on the ice? Or when you snuck out to Manhattan?"

"Reputation? Safety of the people?" The Ukrainian girl's arms crossed. "I know we just met a few months ago, but we've been together every single day of those months. You're not my favorite person in the world, but I'd feel awful if something happened to you. To any of us. Vision, Wanda, Steve, Sam... even Fury, and he's my boss." Nat stood up, gradually approaching the window, Aleyna closely following behind. "We're family now, whether we want to or not. And most of us have... strained relationships with our biological families."

"I'm your family?" Aleyna repeated meekly, a childlike smile spreading across her face. "Don't make me repeat it." Nat's face scrunched in disdain. "I'd rather not say it again."

"And that's because?" The girl questioned, Nat turning to face her. "You get close to people, then they die. That's just... that's just how life works. You find a system, and they end up dying."

"I'm not dead," Aleyna offered. "Neither is Steve, or Wanda, or Sam. People are gonna die, Nat. You have that sort of job, and you know it. Lots of people are gonna die, whether you're close to them or not." She uncrossed her arms, carefully feeding her hand through Nat's and clasping it.

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