━ x. i loved lucy

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━━ "SO THERE'S NO JEALOUSY?" Nat pressed on, moving to sit beside Wanda as the brunette looked at her lap where her hands sat. Wanda could only shake her head.

"That's why she attacks Tunikova so often..." Nat thought to herself. "Y'know, why do you even care so much?" Wanda looked up. "You only care about... about missions and work."

"We can't work if we can't get along."

"Oh." Wanda mumbled. She truly thought that Nat cared. She wasn't wrong; Nat just didn't feel comfortable showing it. The spy stayed quiet before walking out, leaving Wanda alone with her thoughts.

Wanda sighed before getting up and heading to Aleyna's room, collecting her thoughts and words. The Sokovian teen tenderly knocked on Aleyna's door, her heart thumping in her ears.

"Come in!" Aleyna answered, Wanda opening the door. Aleyna had been sitting on her bed, her laptop on her lap, her phone on the nightstand beside the bed.

"Oh." Her slight smile faded after realizing that Wanda was her guest. "Here to come try and kill me again?" Aleyna asked sarcastically, looking down at her laptop once more.

"I'm sorry."

"Excuse me?" Aleyna's head cocked up in surprise.

"I... I've been terrible. And, although part of me wants to sock you in the jaw and hang you off of the Empire State Building, I know it's not your fault. You didn't do anything. It's... I'm sorry." Wanda finished, leaving Aleyna stunned.

"Oh- uh-" She stammered, quickly searching for words. "All is forgiven."

"Good." Wanda nodded awkwardly, turning to leave. "Also," she paused. "The eggs were good."

"Thanks." Aleyna smiled as Wanda hastily exited. Wanda's words stuck in the girl's head; when would Wanda ever admit that she was wrong again?

She knew that Wanda didn't come to that conclusion on her own. She had a push from someone else, and it was pretty easy to figure out who.

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Aleyna immediately headed to the training room, which was a large, well-lit, dark grey gym with a boxing ring in the middle. In the ring, Nat had been doing some intense hand-to-hand combat with an interactive hologram.

The Ukrainian girl slowly walked up the stairs that led to the ring, watching in awe at Nat's swift movements, charged hits, and amble blocks.

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