━ xv. feelings are annoying

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━━ FOUR DAYS LATER, NAT watched Aleyna throw punches at the hanging punching bag from the doorframe of the gym. "Unclench your jaw!" She exclaimed, Aleyna turning to look at her. "You're gonna ruin your teeth."

"I don't care." The teen snapped back, continuing to attack the bag as Nat calmly approached her. Aleyna training by herself? Something must be terribly wrong.

"Is everything ok?" Nat urged, walking behind the bag and holding it in place. "You're training by yourself. That's rather out of character for you, isn't it?"

"It's fun."

"You complained last time we ran."

"That's running," Aleyna huffed as she stopped punching the bag. "This is punching. There's a difference. No one uses their legs to punch."

"What happened, Tunikova?" The redhead exhaled, Aleyna pushing the loose strands of hair out of her face. "Nothing." She replied as her eye met Nat's. "I'm hungry if that helps."

"You know that's not what I mean." Nat's gaze followed Aleyna as the brunette grabbed the water bottle that sat beside the floor of the bag. "Then what do you mean?" Aleyna smirked before taking a sip.

Nat fought the urge to slap the bottle out of her hand, but merely continued the conversation.

"Why are you mad?" Nat's arms crossed her expression growing stern. Her patience was now wearing thin. "Nothing, Nat!" Aleyna whined, turning and walking away. "Jesus!"

Nat's brows furrowed as she followed the girl down the hallways. "I don't know who you think you're talking to," She began, her head tilting slightly as Aleyna walked faster. "But it must not be me!"

"Well, it's not a ghost!" Aleyna clapped back, opening the door to her bedroom forcefully.

"What the hell has gotten into you?"

"Nothing. Please leave." The brunette requested in a harsh tone before lunging at her bed, Nat shutting the door. "Aleyna, what the hell happened?"

"I don't wanna talk. The context clues are there. Grab a magnifying glass and look for them."

Nat took a deep breath before calmly leaving the room, speeding to Steve's room and opening the door. "Go talk to Tunikova." She demanded, standing in the door frame. Steve had been in the middle of a conversation with Sam, and it looked pretty serious.

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