━ xxiv. who let the girls out?

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━━ THE NEXT MORNING, Aleyna's eyes opened. She had gotten to her room before falling asleep, so she was met with the warm light that came from her lamp that sat beside her bed. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up, looking towards her window curtains. With a wave of her hand, ice shot out of it, opening the curtains. Her cocoa-brown eyes squinted as they adjusted to the sudden light. Stepping out of her bed, she began her small journey to the bathroom.

When she opened the door, she peered inside of the room. During her stay with the Avengers, she learned that there's always a person in every room. You may not get any privacy if you don't look, so now, she looked into every room she walked in before entering.

Shutting the door behind her, Aleyna made her way to the sink, beginning to brush her teeth. As she brushed, a familiar redhead strode into the bathroom, glimpsing at the girl. "Aleyna." She greeted nonchalantly.

"Nat-" Aleyna spoke through a mouth full of toothpaste as Nat made her way to the sink beside her, washing her hands. "What are you doing?" Aleyna inquired before spitting the toothpaste out, Nat scrubbing her hands together.

"Just washing my hands." She replied casually, shrugging while lifting a brow momentarily. Nat's calmness was a major red flag, which caused Aleyna to feel a sinking feeling in her stomach. Still, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and acted as if nothing happened. As she began to leave, Nat spoke up while beginning to rinse her hands.

"So, how was Manhattan?"

Aleyna froze, her breath hitching as she frantically searched for a response. "What happened in Manhattan?" She responded coolly, her hand on the doorknob while she mentally begged for the conversation to end.

"I dunno," Nat shrugged again as Aleyna turned to face her. Although this was a bit embarrassing for Nat, she had to look up at the young girl. Nat stood at five-foot-three, while Aleyna hovered over her at five-foot-seven. "I wasn't there, but it seems like you and Wanda were."

"We never left the compound." The youngest Avenger fibbed nonchalantly, crossing her arms. Nat intensely stared into the girl's eyes, trying to force her to break her front and confess. After a few seconds on staring, Nat looked her up and down, her brows furrowing, her eyes squinting. "You know I know you're lying, right?"

"I'm not lying."

"Oh, really?" She inquired in a sardonic tone, pulling her wrist. "Where did this come from?" Nat pointed to the slight indentation from Tony's bracelet, glaring at the girl. "I know you went out, Aleyna."

"It's a bracelet! So what?"

"Ok." Nat nodded before gripping the girl's wrist harder and pulling her into her room, where Vision sat on the edge of the black bed. "I finally figured it out. You stole the necklaces so you could get past security and get out." Nat fought a proud smirk that threatened to form. "Go get Wanda and bring her in here." She snapped at Vision, who nodded before phasing through the wall.

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