━ iv. broken spoons and bratty children

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━━ "ARE YOU PLANNING TO KILL ME?" Aleyna spoke up, glancing up at the three. They had been in the S.H.I.E.L.D van, Steve driving, Nat's arms crossed as she sat in the passenger's seat.

"No, just- just make sure that you're not infected. We don't know how vibranium affects children." Steve explained, Nat muttering under her breath.

"It usually doesn't involve bratty children."

"Agent." Vision reprimanded in a calm voice, side-eying her. "Ok, rude. I'm not bratty. I just... talk back when I need to." Aleyna shrugged. "I have to now because I'm being kidnapped by technologically advanced soldiers."

After Aleyna's last comment, the four of them sat in awkward silence as Steve drove. What were they planning to do? What sick experiments were they going to perform? Was Aleyna going to leave with a third eye and two extra hands?

"Um," She spoke up. "What exactly are you planning to do to me?"

"Classified." Nat responded coldly, her eyes staring at the road in front of her. "I mean, I'm in handcuffs right now," Aleyna gestured to the metal restraints around her wrists. "So I might as know what's gonna happen to me."

"Well, we'll fly you to America, you'll get interrogated, and you're gonna have to stay with us, in case you're a danger." Steve answered while calmly merging lanes. "Simple."

"Uh, not simple!" The girl disagreed, her handcuffs rattling scarcely as the four hit a bump, their bodies bouncing for a split second. "This can't be legal."

"Actually, considering that we have substantial reason to believe that criminal activity has been happening at your residence, it is." Vision explained to her tenderly.

The synthezoid didn't see Aleyna as a criminal; as a matter of fact, he believed that she was trying to save the world. But, the way she went about achieving her goals put her and others at risk.

Aleyna accepted her defeat, looking down at her hands and biting the inside of her cheek anxiously. Their first part of the Avengers' mission was done— but what were they going to find?

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Wanda added a sprinkle of pepper to the large vat of paprikash, slightly anxious about Vision's whereabouts. He, Nat, and Steve had left abruptly on a mission without explaining what happened.

Considering that they were still underwater from the Sokovia incident, you'd think that they'd attempt to stay under the radar.

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