━ xxviii. the red means i love you

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━━ ALEYNA HAD FALLEN ASLEEP in Wanda's room the night prior, Wanda's head still resting on her shoulder. The only reason that Aleyna had even woken up was because of the blinding sun that shone through the window and directly into her eyes.

Blinking rapidly, the girl thought about sitting up but quickly realized that it would cause Wanda to wake up. So, she looked to the ground below her and spotted her phone, not too far away from the bed.

Aleyna's ice surrounded the phone, lifted it, and placed it onto her palm. The phone lit up, showing the date and time.

7:57 am, December 31st, 2015

"The last day of the year?" She thought to herself in shock. She quickly realized that she hadn't checked the date since the escape to Manhattan, and that was four weeks ago. Her eyes widened as the realization hit her, and she wondered if Wanda had checked the date recently.

She also thought about 8:30 training with Nat, and the breakfast they had to eat beforehand. "Wanda," Aleyna gently shook the Sokovian girl's shoulder while whispering in her ear. "Wanda, wake up."

"Hm?" She muttered groggily, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands. "We're training with Nat soon, and we still have to brush our teeth and eat," Aleyna explained as Wanda lifted her head.

"Ugh, what time is it?" The tired girl closed her eyes tightly to keep the light out of them. "7:59," Aleyna replied before getting out of bed, grabbing a pillow, and throwing it at her head. "C'mon, get up!"

Wanda groaned as she rolled out of bed and followed Aleyna into the bathroom. After brushing their teeth, they made their way to the kitchen, where Aleyna offered to cook. "Eggs and bacon?" She asked.

"Let me do it." Wanda patted Aleyna's shoulder while leading her to the kitchen island. "Are you sure? I'm totally ok doing it." Aleyna shrugged, standing up as Wanda opened the fridge, the Sokovian girl's energy pulling Aleyna into the seat.

"No, seriously! My magic is fast," Wanda turned and smiled as her energy got to work. The fridge opened, the eggs twirling around in the air before getting cracked on the side of a bowl. The flame from the stove began to glow as a pan was placed on top.

Aleyna marveled at the sight before her, though she didn't know why. She had been living with Wanda since August, so she knew that the girl could.

Wanda smiled at Aleyna's surprise as a fork stirred the eggs and the butter floated out of the fridge.

"Sometimes I forget you can cook." Aleyna looked to Wanda.

The Sokovian girl shrugged nonchalantly while pouring the eggs into the pan. "I also have something else for later." Wanda hinted, Aleyna's brows furrowing.

WORK OF ART ▹ W. Maximoff ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now