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You just got home and found Eisuke on the couch staring intently at some device in his hand, "Hey, what's that?" You asked, taking a peek over his shoulder causing him to jump upon hearing your voice. "I-I didn't see you come in." He replied, sounding a little flustered, he quickly hid whatever he was holding. "I just got home. ...So, what have you been doing?" You ask, hoping to learn what he had so intently been doing.

"Not much. Just doing the usual." He answered, avoiding the question. "I see, so what might this be?" You reached into his pocket before he even had a chance and pulled out a tiny electronic device. "Hmm, what is this?" You asked, curiously    inspecting the tiny device. "It's nothing really." He said and reached out to take it back but you moved your hand before he could.

"Don't you dare look at it!" He demanded, almost sounding like he was worried. "Why not? Hmm..." Ignoring his plea you pressed one of the buttons on the tiny device and the screen automatically lit up. You couldn't help but feel surprised though that feeling quickly wore off and a grin started to play on your lips. "I told you not to look. Are you deaf?!" Eisuke exclaimed. "I see. So this is what you were doing. I've heard about these being popular lately."

In your hand you held a virtual pet, a popular toy among kids. "I-It's not what you think. One of the guests kids at the hotel insisted I take it. I rejected it first but that kid was persistent." Eisuke said, you weren't sure if he was telling the truth or not, either way it was adorable imagining him playing with one.

You handed him back the device with a smile, "You must really like it, huh?" You grinned playfully, you were really enjoying getting a reaction out of him. "Sh-Shut up. I don't like this stupid thing. All it does is die on me... What a weak, useless creature..." He replied in a half-pout, staring at the device in his hands, the frustration was present on his face.

"You must be doing something wrong."

"What?! What am i doing wrong?! It's not my fault it doesn't have the will to live! I do everything I can for it and yet it  just dies on me. How is this stupid device so popular?!"

"Calm down. Let me have a look again." You asked and took the device back. "I don't think you'll have any better luck than I've had." Eisuke said in a huff.

"We'll see." looking confident, you declared you would take care of it for the rest of the day and see how it fairs.

Later that night, Eisuke approached you, "Is it dead yet?"

"How mean! Of course not. It's still perfectly alive. See." You shoved you the device in his face and his eyes went wide with shock, "How? By now it would have already died on me." He looked around searchingly with his eyes, seemingly confused before they locked on to you, "What's your secret?"

"There is no secret. Obviously I'm just better suited to take care of one then you are." You grinned triumphantly. "Don't get cocky with me now. So you might be better at taking care of some stupid virtual pet but how about when we have kids of our own?" He leaned in closer to you and pushed you back against the bed getting on top of you.

"I assure you I will be a much better father to our kids than I ever will be to some virtual toy." He breathed and you didn't say a word. You just looked at him like 'I hope so.' "That might not have come out right..." Eisuke looked slightly embarrased, "You will make a wonderful father, I'm sure." You wrapped your arms around his neck as you gazed lovingly into his eyes.

"You are amazing though. How did you keep it alive?" He asked curiously. "...Maybe I will tell you later." You grinned playfully. "If that's how you want to play. Naughty girls get punished..." His raspy voice reverberated in your ear, sending hot rushes through your body.

"Shall we make love and create a child of our very own?" He whispered teasingly. Those very words caused your face to burn hot with desire. Though you felt slightly embarrased, you didn't reject any of his advances as he stripped you from your clothes. You both couldn't wait for the day when you really would have a child of your own.

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