MC Getting Drunk

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"Cheers." The bidders and yourself had gathered in the penthouse lounge for some drinks, celebrating your engagement to the mobster, Soryu. "Careful, ___. I don't want you drinking too much." Soryu looked at you, feeling concerned. But you brushed his worry aside, "I'll be fine." You smiled and took another sip.

"I didn't think you were the kind to marry for love." Eisuke smirked at Soryu, casually taking another sip of his fine wine. "If it wasn't for ___ I wouldn't have." Soryu replied, looking kindly at you. While the guys amiably chatted away you finished off your glass and reached to grab a bottle to refill it, however, you weren't paying attention as you poured the wine into your glass and failed to realized the bottle you grabbed was a rather strong wine, much stronger than anything you previously drank.

'Whoa, the room is spinning.' The world was turning upside down before your eyes. You couldn't help but start to laugh, as the faces of the men who surrounded you had slightly distorted. "What's wrong?" Soryu looked at you, his eyes narrowed. Seeing your reddened cheeks, Soryu jumped back as he realized just what was wrong with you. He turned towards the bottle on the table next to your glass and his eyes widened, "What was she doing drinking such a strong whisky..." He sighed, shaking his head. Eisuke snickered at this predicament, "You need to take care of your woman better. How troublesome." Soryu gave him a subtle glare before turning back to you, "I think we should call it a night-"

"Noo. I don't want to go yet." You shrugged away from Soryu's arm and stood up, wobbling on your feet as you did so. There was a broad grin on your face as you started to laugh even harder, you couldn't believe how much the room was spinning. The alcohol had completely taken over your senses, you were no longer the well mannered, shy girl, quite the opposite in fact. "Ahaha, you all look so silly." You giggled and then tottered up to Eisuke who was still sitting at the table, "You know, you have such a big ego and some might find that a turn off but I find it oddly attractive." You flirtatiously giggled, running a finger from his shoulder down his arm. Soryu froze at that, his mouth hung open. Eisuke, on the other hand, looked rather smug and raised an eyebrow at Soryu as if telling him 'I was right.'

Frowning, Soryu jumped from his chair and was about to approach you when you had changed targets. Ota and Baba was now in your sights, the pair sat besides one another. "Hey boys. We should go play those games you talked to me about. The ones in the bedroom." You stood between the both of the from behind, placing one arm around their shoulders on either side. The pair had started to laugh but then caught sight of Soryu and immediately froze. Soryu was giving them the glare of death, telling them with his eyes that if they even think about doing anything to you they won't live to see another day. "Oh, those that Baba talked about?" Ota quickly shoved the situation onto Baba. Baba looked at him with an exasperated look, thinking that was cruel. Baba then turned to you and played it cool, "I was only joking. There was never any games that involved the bedroom." Baba innocently shrugged, seeing his life was on the line as one angry fiance was glaring him down ready to pull out his gun at any time.

Your eyes widened and you looked to be in thought, "Really? I was sure you mentioned we- Mmph." Baba quickly covered your mouth with his hands stopping you from saying another word. "Really. I mentioned no such thing. You must be hearing things." He slowly laughed, his laughter tinged with fear. Eisuke was enjoying every minute of this, snickering from his seat as he watched everything unfold before him. Through all this, Mamoru had already passed out at his seat and was oblivious to what was going on.

"___, please come with me." Soryu asked once more but you completely ignored him. Instead, you had begun to run away from him as he chased you around the table, laughing as he did so. "Ahaha, you can't catch me." You were acting like a little kid and Soryu was the parent trying to scold his child. Far different from what you actually were, soon to be husband and wife. "____, stop running from me!" Soryu looked to be getting frustrated while you laughed with glee. Just when it looked like Soryu would catch you you had jumped up on to the table. "Wow, I can see everything from up here." Your eyes darted all over. Everyone looked so tiny now from up on the table. Heaving a sigh, Soryu's shoulders slumped. He couldn't believe how much trouble you were being.

"Get off the table." Soryu was practically begging you at this point but it was still no use. Even worse was the fact you were wearing a rather short dress... "Nice view." Eisuke flashed a sly grin and Soryu gasped. "Keep your filthy eyes away!" He shrieked and grabbed hold of your hand, "Please, get down." You looked at him with a smile but ignored his pleas and turned around, "I could be a supermodel on here." And with that you started to strut down the table with your hand on your hips, someone avoiding all the glasses and bottles on there. At the end you bowed and at the same time your dress fluttered up revealing everything. "Huh?!" Soryu couldn't take anymore of this and quickly jumped onto the table himself and grabbed you from behind. "Ahaha, looks like I've been caught." You laughed softly like it didn't really matter.

"I am taking you with me." At that he dragged you off the table keeping a firm grip on you. "We will be leaving for the night." Soryu wrapped his arm around your waist and his other gripped your hand as he took you back to his suite. "I will never let you near another glass of alcohol as long as I live..." Soryu mumbled, doing his best to wipe the horror of what just transpired from his mind. Although he knew Eisuke and the guys wouldn't let him live it down for a long long time. Even you will have to live with this embarrassing situation for the rest of your life. Next time you would be sure to listen to your fiance's words, that is if you even dared to drink again.

"Mmm... Where did everyone go?" Mamoru, whom slept through the whole thing, finally awoke to the darkness of the room. Everyone had long since left. He rubbed his tired eyes, shrugged his shoulders and seeing as everyone was gone and he couldn't be bothered to move, Mamoru drifted back off to sleep and remained there for the night.

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