Attack Of The Flaming Chicken- Eisuke

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I don't know what this is pfft. It's some crazy piece of writing. I just wrote what came to my mind. Inspired by chicken in the picture above.

It just wasn't my week. I had been rather irritable all week and I wasn't even sure why, but this, this takes the cake. "Are you serious?! Who mails me a god damn flaming rubber chicken?!?! Is this some joke?" I looked at the chicken in my hands ,that was covered in a flame design, with disgust. It's beady little eyes stared right back at me, It's face brought to my mind that of a smug grin a particular someone was always seen wearing. "He must think this is funny. Well I am not in the mood. He can't just mess around with me like this when he feels like it!" I spat in a detestable manner.

I couldn't even understand myself why I was feeling so out of sorts. Usually I'd just shrug it off and not let it bother me. But not this time. I was already in a foul mood but this has driven me over the edge. "Hmmph. It's time I told him how I felt about this." I glared at the chicken. Firmly gripping it in my hands I stood up from the couch and headed to my apartment door. "Just you wait. You might be an arrogant jerk and think you are all that, but there is one thing you should never do, and that's get on a woman's bad side when she is moody as hell!" I stormed from my apartment and headed to the hotel 'Tres Spades'.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel I peered around the lobby in search of my target, "Now where is he..." Seeing he wasn't in the lobby I headed for the elevator. I did well to ignore all the weird looks from passerbys at the rubber chicken in my hand. I forcibly pressed the button on the elevator. "C'mon. Hurry up you stupid elevator." I tapped my foot impatiently and finally the elevator stopped with a ding. I immediately stepped inside and took it to the penthouse lounge. On the way up, I felt my blood pressure rising as I thought about what I'd say to the man who played such a fool out of me. I clutched the rubber chicken so hard it was amazing it was still in one piece.

Once the elevator reached the top floor, I marched right off it, my face twisted in displeasure. Upon reaching the lounge, I saw my desired target was no where to be seen. The rest of the guys immediately noticed me though, "____! What are you doing here?" Baba asked in surprise. "It doesn't matter why I'm here." I responded curtly, "Where is he?!" I snapped. Seeing my unbridled rage, the usually fearsome men were brought to their knees, they all cowered before me.

"Eisuke? He should be in his suite." Ota meekly replied. "Is he now." A devilish smile flashed across my lips. "Time to pay him a visit." I walked with heavy steps towards the stairs.

"Oh no. She's going to kill him." Ota squeaked. "Should we warn him?" Baba asked in a low undertone. "I think it's too late for that. All we can do is pray for his safety. Even I would be no match for her." Soryu replied, fear evident in his voice. I ignored their chatter as I trotted up the stairs.

"I hope you are ready. I'm not going to play nice." My very voice screamed death. I opened up his suite and snuck inside, 'Now where is he...' I carefully tiptoed around his apartment until finally spotting him in his office on the laptop. 'Aha! Watch it buster. I'm coming!' I silently laughed to myself in a creepy manner.

Eisuke finally seeming to notice me to his eyes off the screen to look at me, "___, what are you doing here?" Eisuke asked, he looked surprised by my appearance. My face twisted at his words, "The nerve. Why do you think I'm here, huh?" I spat, throwing the rubber chicken around in the air as I spoke. "What on earth is that?" He asked but it only made me angrier. "Don't play dumb! You sent me this! How could you...!" I screamed and stomped up to him. Eisuke looked completely dumbfounded but I didn't even give him the chance to talk as I swung his chair around and clutched his shirt as I wedged a knee between his legs, "I'm not in the mood for your games right now. I've had a really bad week. The last thing I wanted to see was this ugly mug of a chicken." I breathed threateningly to his face.

Eisuke raised an eyebrow at me like I was crazy, "I never knew you could be so fiesty. This is definitely a side of you I've never seen before." He said, looking somewhat intrigued. "Ugh! Are you even listening!" I got frustrated and started hitting him with the chicken, "Why are men always the same. They never listen...!" I cried out, I started to have a breakdown, tears welled up in my eyes. "Just calm down! Stop hitting me!" Eisuke exclaimed, he held his arms up to protect himself from the onslaught of the rubber chicken I was hitting him with. "I never sent you any rubber chicken! Why would you think I'd do something so foolish as that?" Eisuke stated, looking at me seriously. I stopped in my tracks, I knew by the way he was looking at me he spoke the truth. "Then who..." I mumbled, feeling apologetic for my outburst. I pulled myself away from his chair and turned away, I couldn't bring myself to look at him after that poor display.

"I have a feeling I know who sent that." Eisuke whispered. He then stood up and approached me from behind, "It's okay. I'm sorry if I've neglected you this past week. I should be more mindful of your needs too." He spoke to me in a kind manner, wrapping his arms around me from behind. His sudden contact made me jump, my whole body started to grow hot, "I just attacked you with a rubber chicken and now you are being so kind to me...I don't deserve this." I said in a strained voice, hanging my head in guilt.

"Forget about that. I could never hate you over something so trivial. Besides...I got to see a side of you I never knew you had." His raspy breath tickled my ear, I could feel a blush forming. "Remind me to never get on your bad side. I didn't realize you could be so scary." Eisuke teased, his hands began to freely explore my body. It seemed he was enjoying this. "...Eisuke." My previous anger had all but vanished under his warm, gentle touch. "I'll treat you tonight. So cheer up okay." He said in a light tone.

Feeling weak from his touch I tried turning to look at him when he suddenly spun me around and in moments his lips were on mine. I didn't even have time to react as his kiss grew deeper and more passionate. "Mmmm..." I was completely blown away by the intensity that I grew weak at the knees, I leant against Eisuke for support. I couldn't believe how angry I was just moments ago and this man, he managed to tame the ferocious beast inside of me and bring out the once gentle butterfly I was.

Slowly, As the kiss heated up, Eisuke maneuvered us around until I was up against his desk. He gently pushed me back on it getting on top of me. I was completely lost to the world and my thoughts as he was the only thing on my mind. I was craving his touch, his lips, his scent, everything about him I wanted so badly. I regretted ever thinking he would do something so ludicrous as send me a stupid chicken but I wanted him so badly my mind was filled with incoherent thoughts.

But now that desire was filled, my mind was at ease, all I could feel was love for the man whose touch drove me mad with pleasure.


"Do you think they caught on who sent her the chicken?" Baba asked. "Who knows." Ota shrugged. "That was a pretty foul prank to play on her when you knew she was down lately." Soryu said, at his words everyone went silent before breaking out into uncontrollable laughter, "Foul! Oh you kill me." Baba held onto his stomach, he was nearly on the floor. Soryu looked confused and shocked by their outburst, completely oblivious behind the words he just said.

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