MC winning a bet and making the bidders slave over her for a day

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Eisuke: "What is your wish, My Lady?" Eisuke bowed low, irritation apparent on his face. Eisuke couldn't believe he lost the bet he made with you and now had to obey your every whim for a whole day. You even had him dress up in butler attire which you thought he looked quite dashing in. You had him serve you tea and cakes. When it came time for dinner, Eisuke slaved away in the kitchen to prepare the dish you requested. You could hear the occasional grumble of frustration as things didn't go as he wanted. Eisuke kept fidgeting with his clothes, he felt it was choking him. You giggled, enjoying every moment of while Eisuke kept flashing you looks of annoyance. You knew when the day was over, Eisuke would punish you accordingly but in the meantime it was so worth it to see the great Eisuke Ichinomiya slaving over you.

Soryu: Soryu could barely see in front of himself as he followed you along the shopping centre. His hands were stacked high with boxes while his arms were lined with shopping bags. Soryu kept mumbling to himself, clearly frustrated after losing the bet with you. He didn't think when he had to be your slave for a day the first thing you would do was go shopping. "I didn't know you needed so many clothes..." He sighed, hoping you would be finished with your shopping spree soon.

Ota: Ota waited on you hand and foot, seeing to your every need. You barely let him get a moments rest. You never thought you'd see the day when he was slaving away for you like he was your pet. It was quite the change and you loved it even if it was temporary. "Does this suit your tastes, My Lady?" He handed you a glass of wine. Every time you glanced at his face you could see him pouting. Ota definitely wasn't enjoying it and couldn't wait for it to be over. You were so proud of yourself winning the bet, Ota never even saw it coming. You wondered if you could trick him into another one but didn't think it was likely after what happened with the first.

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