MC Saying "I've Been Told I Only Have A Few Months Left To Live"

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Eisuke: When he heard you say those words it was as if time had stopped. Eisuke didn't want to believe it was true. Refusing to believe such horrific words were true, Eisuke looked into it himself, and learning what he feared most sent him into a frenzy. "There is no way she has cancer..." He still refused to believe the hard truth. There was no cure, this cancer would be what tore the two of you apart. With your time limited and your health gradually failing, the two of you spent more time together than ever before. All the money in the world could do nothing to help you. Eisuke saw first hand just how powerless he really was when it came to saving the one he held dearest to his heart. The person who taught him the true value in loving another was going to be torn from him all too soon. It seemed like some cruel twist of fate- a curse. Eisuke did his best to stay strong for you but knowing that soon his life would be absent of you hurt him more than he could bear. It was the first time he truly learnt the meaning of pain. On the night you breathed your last, you laid weakly in bed with Eisuke at your side. His eyes shook sorrowfully, it hurt him all too much to know this was his final moments with you.

"Eisuke... I'm sorry we couldn't be together longer. I love you..." You struggled to get your words out. Eisuke held tightly onto your hand holding it close to his cheek, he could feel the strength in you draining away. "___... I'm sorry, too. If only I could have saved you. I am sorry I failed you... " His voice was filled with pain and heartache, he truly regretted being so powerless.

But you did your best to smile, "It's okay. There is nothing you could do. You gave me anything I could have ever wanted and made my last few months a true joy and I thank you for that."

"........" Eisuke was still so shaken up he couldn't find the words to speak but then your hand grew limp and your eyes slowly closed and your breathing came to a stop. "___?" Eisuke softly spoke your name but received no reply, seeing your chest no longer moving he knew that was it you were no longer there with him. "____!! No...! You can't die....! ____!! I-I love you,___! W-Why..." Eisuke screamed out your name over and over, tears streaming down his face as he held your hand to his cheek. He had prepared for this moment since the day he heard the news but now that it was actually happening no amount of preparation would have prepared him for this. That night he lost the love of his life: The girl who not only taught him how to love but also taught him the true meaning of pain and heartache. There was now a big hole in his heart, one that would never be able to be filled as he lived his life always thinking of the time once spent together- the time you two were together and truly happy. A happiness he would never get to experience ever again.

Soryu: Soryu was so distraught by the news he locked himself up in his office for several days trying to come to terms with it. The thought of losing you hurt him far more than anything in his life had ever hurt him before. Soryu hoped it was all just one cruel nightmare and he would soon wake up from it but alas that was not to be. He would have to accept what would be the living nightmare and at the end you would be tragically torn apart from him. Soryu didn't want to accept you had an incurable brain tumour and it would soon kill you. "Soryu... Please, I want you to be happy. I'm sorry we can't grow old together but I don't want you to live your life in grief over losing me." You begged him but Soryu was stubborn, he didn't know how he could listen to such a request when you were everything to him- you were his whole world. Over the next few months Soryu was more spaced out than ever as the day you left him was drawing ever nearer. He was shaken and he could hardly keep his thoughts together. There was no way Soryu could focus on his job as mob boss when your life was coming to an end. He wished with all his heart that he could find some miracle cure but no such thing existed. Every passing day showed him the truth of how powerless he was to save you and that he would have to accept the fact he would lose you.

"Remember I will always be with you. I love you, Soryu." You smiled as you laid weakly in bed.

Soryu was a shaken mess as he kneeled besides you. The last thing he wanted to do was say goodbye to you. It felt like there was a knife been dug into his heart and an invisible force was twisting and turning digging it deeper and deeper.

"___... This isn't fair. You weren't supposed to die before me." Soryu said in a shaky voice, softly running a finger over your cheeks.

You tried your best to smile and were about to speak when your energy left you. Realizing what had just happened, a sharp pain shot through Soryu's chest. He felt like he was being crushed and torn apart from the inside. You were his support and his strength but now they were gone like the wind. Soryu's face twisted into one of pain and grief. You asked him to be happy after you died but how was he to be happy when you were what brought happiness into his life? The nightmare still continues even after your death as any life without you in it may as well be a nightmare to him. His only comfort was in his sleep when he would dream of you and the smile he loved so much. It was the only time he would ever get to be close to you ever again.

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