Holding On In My Dreams- Eisuke

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Elli's POV

I had just left my apartment, it was the weekend and I was on my way to Tres Spades. It wasn't long ago that Eisuke popped the question. We would finally be wed soon, but until then, we had decided to live separately. I couldn't wait for the big day, it couldn't come any sooner. It wouldn't be long now before we spent the rest of our lives together. I was on top of the world, It felt like I was living a dream; I had to keep reminding myself it was all really real. I had never been so happy in my life. I couldn't wait to start a family with Eisuke and live our days out in joy filled with laughter. And whenever troubles arised we would face those together head on. I knew as long as he was by my side I'd never have anything to fear, he was my strength, my love and my dearest friend.

Thinking about the man who had stolen my heart, I pick up my pace. I was desperate to see the man of my affections. I was always at my happiest around him. Eisuke may have been a cold-hearted, arrogant and cynical man when I first met him but he has since changed. His cold heart was warmed by the feelings of love. Eisuke had gone through many changes since we fell in love. I know deep down just how kind and thoughtful he is. Everyday I think of just how blessed I am to have come to know such a wonderful man.

Being the weekend, the streets were busier than usual but that didn't stop me from keeping a steady pace. My hair blew about in the crisp spring breeze as I advanced through the streets like a hurricane heading to its destination.

"Huh?" While walking through the crowds of people, I swore I saw someone familiar from across the street. I stopped in my tracks and stood on my tiptoes to get a better look. "Eisuke?" There on the other side was the person I so longed to see.

My eyes lit up and a smile crept over my lips. I never told Eisuke I was coming by today, I usually just show up. Of course he isn't always there and often I wait for him to return. But now that I know he isn't at Tres Spades and I've seen him in the crowd, I wouldn't have to wait. I could join Eisuke here and return to the hotel with him, after all he was heading in that direction.

With my mind made up I set into action. If I took too long I'd lose him from my sights. I stepped onto the side of the road watching for traffic before crossing. Once I saw the surroundings were clear I started to make my way across the street.
"Eisuke!" I called out to him as I ran across. Eisuke must have heard me as he turned to face me.

'Hehe, I can't wait to see him.' I thought as I crossed but then...


The sound of a screeching horn reverberated in my ears. I was immediately struck frozen to the spot. In the heat of the moment, I turned and saw a large truck enter my vision, it was barreling straight for me. I didn't understand, I made sure the traffic was clear but it was too late now.

My legs turned to led, the fear had proven to be too great and paralyzed me. In seconds the truck had made impact. I felt like my insides were being crushed. The truck had swerved to try avoid me but it was useless. It still side swiped me and sent me flying.

I landed on the ground with a thump. I was too injured to move. I was barely even conscious. I knew my time on this world was coming to an end. In those short few seconds all my hopes and dreams were shattered. A dull pain slowly spread through my body. I felt numb inside, I didn't feel any pain; I felt nothing but dread and fear. The only thing that hurt more than having my dreams snatched away was leaving Eisuke behind and not being able to spend another moment with him. To see his smile, to feel his touch, to breathe in his scent. I didn't want to leave him... but I didn't have a choice in this cruel twist of fate. I only wished Eisuke would be able to find his happiness without me. All these thoughts swirled through my throbbing head.

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