A Nightmare- Eisuke

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Eisuke and Charelle walked hand in hand down a busy street. Soon they would be married. Today they were out making the needed preparations for their wedding.

"I can't believe how happy I feel right now." Charelle placed a hand on her chest as she softly smiled.

Eisuke gently squeezed her hand he held, he too was smiling, feeling her happiness. "I never thought I would ever feel this way." Eisuke quietly said so only she could hear.

Charelle looked to him and saw the smile playing on his lips, it filled her with joy. "I look forward to our future together." She said, giving him a bright smile.

"For the first time in my life I actually feel excited for the future." Eisuke said and turned to Charelle. His eyes were tender as he looked at her. "Thank you for coming into my life and showing me how great life can really be." He leaned closer and placed a kiss on her temple. "Because of you I came to know what love really is and found real happiness after all these years."

"Eisuke..." Charelle was filled with emotions and her chest swelled with love for him. "You don't know how happy it makes me to hear that." She said, smiling while her eyes were a little moist.

"Hey, don't be such a crybaby." Eisuke started to chuckle as he smirked. "You sure leak a lot." He was now teasing her.

"Geez. We were just having such a sweet moment and you had to go ruin it." Charelle frowned, pouting. "Jerk." She huffed and turned away while Eisuke was still laughing.

The two of them continued to share in lighthearted conversation as they walked around from place to place.

"This time next month you will be all mine." Eisuke said, squeezing her hand and leaning closer, "My beautiful wife." He whispered in her ear.

"Yes..." Charelle started to blush thinking about it. She would be his soon enough and he would be hers. Charelle was excited for that day.

"Eisuke..." Charelle started to speak, looking up to Eisuke. "Th- Huh?"

Screams started to fill the air and people were scrambling to move away. Eisuke and Charelle looked around in confusion until they saw it. Their eyes widened seeing an out of control car coming straight for them. Eisuke pulled Charelle and they tried to run away but the car was too fast. Just as the car was about to hit them, Charelle pushed Eisuke with all her might to save him from harm. It was like everything was going in slow motion as Eisuke looked back, he saw the car had crashed into the side of a building further away. Eisuke desperately looked for Charelle, he saw her just a few feet away, lying on the ground motionless.

"Charelle!" The area was in an uproar but Eisuke drowned everything out as he ran to Charelle. "No..." He knelt down and picked her upper body up in his arms. "Hang in there... Please be okay..."

"Ei..suke..." Charelle opened her eyes as she weakly spoke. Her body was covered in blood, cuts and bruises.

"Save your strength." Eisuke's voice strained, he completely lost his composure. "Help is on the way. Please hang on a little longer." He said, his whole body was trembling.

"I'm...sorry..." Charelle did her best to smile. "I'm just glad...you are...safe." She started to cough, blood trickled down her chin.

"No. No no no." Eisuke desperately shook his head. "Don't say that. I should have been the one to save you. Why did this happen? Why...?" Eisuke cried out, his voice shaking.

Charelle smiled. Weak as she was, Charelle lifted her hand and placed it on Eisuke's cheek. "Looks like we may not get our happy ever after, after all. I'm sorry... I...don't want to leave you..." She started to cry. It hurt her knowing how grief-stricken he will be with her gone.

"Charelle... I don't want you to leave me either. Please just hang on... please...!" He cried out desperately even though her life was fading in his arms. "We were supposed to be happy together... It's too soon for you to go... How am I meant to be happy alone?!"

"Eisuke... Forgive me. I know it will be difficult but please... try to be happy. If not for me, for yourself... find happiness. ...Just know I will always love you..." With that her body went limp.

At that moment time stopped for Eisuke. He buried his face into her lifeless body as he screamed in agony. His blood ran cold and his body went numb. "Charelle....!" He screamed her name over and over. "Why? Our life was only starting and now it's already over... It's not fair...!" As he cried out he suddenly started to feel dizzy and his world started to spin.


He could hear her voice calling out to him. Eisuke thought he was losing it. His surroundings started to warp and change. And then he bolted up with a start.

"Huh? Where am I?" Eisuke quickly looked around and realized he was in his bedroom. Charelle was there right by his side. "Charelle..." Eisuke looked at her with wide eyes.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" She giggled. "You were having quite a nightmare. Scared the heck out of me. When you screamed out my name I thought I'd have a heart attack." Charelle said, holding her hand over her heart.

Eisuke didn't say a word. Instead, he threw his arms around her, holding her firmly to his chest.

"Eisuke?" Charelle was wondering what happened in his dream to make him like this.

"I'm so glad that was only a dream..." He sighed in relief. Eisuke rested his head on hers, his hands stroking her back. "We still have our future together to look forward to. I promise I won't let anything tear us apart..."

"Of course. We will always be together." She responded. "I too look forward to our future, together." Charelle smiled, her face resting on his shoulder.

"Yes... We can still be happy, together. Thank you, Charelle." Eisuke softly kissed her head, "I love you..."

(Charelle... You are my happiness. My joy. My life. You are my precious treasure. I'm so overjoyed to have you in my life. I promise I will protect you. I want to spend my life with you and I will do anything to see that happens.)

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