Eisuke And The Puppy

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"Aww, just look at him. He's shooo cute." You held the puppy up to your face with a gleeful smile. "I said no. It doesn't matter how cute he is. I won't allow it." Eisuke said in a firm manner. You had found a stray puppy on the way home and the kind, loving person you are, you couldn't just leave him all alone and instead brought him home to Tres Spades. "We can't abandon him now. Pleeeease." You begged him and just as Eisuke looked about ready to give in, you had brought the puppy close to him and straight away it started to growl and bark at him. Eisuke immediately straightend up and folded his arms, looking slightly disappointed, "This is a hotel not an animal shelter. Take it elsewhere." Eisuke said in a disinterested manner.

"But he might die if I take him somewhere else. Are you really that heartless? ...You two could at least try to get along...?" You gave him the puppy dog eyes with a slight pout on your lips, "Please?" Eisuke looked at you and sighed in resignation, "You know how much I despise you right now?" Eisuke shook his head and you jumped for joy and ran up to him giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Yaaay! Thank you!" You cheered. "Gods, what an annoying woman you are." Eisuke grumbled but you pretended not to hear him and ran off to ready a spot for your newfound friend.

At first the two of them spent many days locked in a heated staring contest, something you thought was rather amusing if not a little silly. "Eisuke, no matter how much you stare at him it won't change at thing." You said but Eisuke continued to stare at the puppy, "Shush. Don't break my concentration. I'm teaching him whose boss." He replied and you facepalmed and left the pair alone. There were days the puppy would run off with Eisuke's shoes leaving Eisuke to find them, or well, what was left of them. "____, that damn dog ate my shoes again!" And then there was times the puppy would be fast asleep and Eisuke thought it would be fun to give it a little scare, though it didn't take him long to decide against it as the puppy started to bite his ankles in retaliation from being disturbed as he slept.

You never imagined to see someone like Eisuke go to such feats just to get back at a little puppy. And the fact the puppy could get him so riled up was very amusing. Over time though, you noticed things slowly start to change. "Hey, did you just toss food on the floor?" You asked but Eisuke acted none the wiser, "No. Why would I do something so barbaric as that?" Eisuke denied and continued to eat his meal. You decided to take a quick peak under the table and just as you suspected, the puppy happily sat between his legs. You couldn't help but smile.

They slowly grew to trust one another and their original dislike for each other gradually grew to playful teasing. You were surprised to come home to find the pair sleeping on the sofa. The puppy happily nestled besides Eisuke with his arm around the puppy. "How cute..." You smiled at the sight.

"Maybe it wasn't so bad after all. You know...adopting the puppy." Eisuke mumbled. You slightly smirked at him, "I knew you would succumb to his cuteness." You grinned and Eisuke immediately averted his gaze, "I did no such thing." He denied. "Then why do your cheeks look red?" You asked, amused. "S-Shut up!" Eisuke grumbled. You couldn't have been happier. Eisuke finally found an animal who liked him, even if it had a rough start. You could tell Eisuke, more than anyone, was happy with this outcome.

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