Want To Sleep Together?- Soryu

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Being in a relationship with a mafia boss was by no means easy. Bella was constantly barraged by threats, has nearly been abducted on multiple occasions and has more than a few stalkers; and that's only the short version. Bella didn't know if she could take this for the rest of her life; at times it just got to be too much. But she didn't complain and kept pushing forward with a grin. Nothing was going to keep her down. Of course, Soryu was troubled by the danger his girlfriend was always in and was always trying his best to protect her. Soryu learnt a painful lesson that even doing your best sometimes isn't enough; it will never be enough.

The day came Bella was held at knifepoint and even though Soryu actively worked to save her, Bella did not escape unscathed. Her beautiful white skin had been marred by the culprits blade.

"Bella!" Soryu shouted, running to her side. Bella fell to the ground in a daze; blood was dripping down her cheek. "I'm sorry..." Soryu's voice sounds strained, full of anguish and guilt. He gently wipes his finger over Bella's wound before helping her to her feet.

The two of them go to his house where he treats her. Soryu's hand shook, his mind filled with worry. Bella sat so soundly in front of him, like a helpless bunny, and yet he allowed someone so sweet to be hurt.

Soryu knew she would be better elsewhere, safer. Even so, he couldn't give her up.

Filled with a sudden urgency, Soryu wrapped his arms around her. "Bella... You won't leave me...will you?" Soryu already decided if she wished to go he wouldn't stop her but he would never willingly let her go.

Bella was overcome with surprise. She knew things definitely weren't easy but she never thought of leaving him. Bella knew the future would be full of challenges and trials, she knew her life would always be in danger, but she also knew Soryu would always save her. But most importantly, Bella loved him dearly and couldn't think of a life without him.

"Soryu." Bella gently touched his back. "I'm not going anywhere." Soryu pulled away and came face to face with Bella's smiling face. He blushed a little and looked away, "Good. That's good." He sighed in relief.

Bella laughed softly and tousled his hair, "You are so cute." And Soryu grew even redder but hid his embarrassment by messing up her hair in return. "This look suits you much better." Soryu messed her hair up into a birds nest. Bella looked at it in her phones reflection and scrunched up her nose. "You are really asking for it, mister." Bella leapt at him and the two engaged in a hair tousle war.

By the end both of their hair was a downright mess and all they could do was laugh.

"That was actually fun." Bella grinned in delight as she rested her head on Soryu's shoulder. "You sure can be wild when you want to be." Soryu said but the smile on his face also relayed his enjoyment.

"I'm glad I can spend time with you like this. It makes me happy." Bella says, pushing herself closer to him. Soryu wraps his arm around her and rests his head on hers. "Me too." He responds.

"Hehe. I hope moments like these continue forever." Bella says not even thinking about it but simply wishing for a happy future. "Is that your way of saying you always want us to be together?" Soryu asked and Bella looked at him for a moment with a blank expression before realizing what she had said. "Y-Yes...That's right." This time Bella was the one blushing and Soryu was smiling. "You are so much cuter." He grinned and Bella felt shy being the one on display this time.

"Oh. It's getting late." Bella said, looking at the clock. "I should head home now." She stands up but doesn't get a chance to leave as Soryu grabbed her hand right away. "Huh?" Bella looked at him but he showed no signs of letting her go. "Want to sleep together?"

There was no way she could turn him down not when he was looking at her so earnestly. "Then I will stay over tonight. Then in the morning I can make you an omelette." The very mention of his favorite dish had Soryu's face brighten up like a little boy. Bella thought how cute he looked again right now but made sure to keep it to her thoughts this time.

Soryu was blessed with such a wonderful woman who he loved dearly and she loved him just as much. A woman who will listen to his whims, face danger, support him, and most importantly be ready to make omelettes through rain, hail or snow.

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