To See You One Last Time- Eisuke x Reader

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“I'll never forget you…!” You shout with all your strength, your hand reaching towards him. You wince, pain running through your body from being forcefully taken away. Your eyes, filled with pain not from your body but the thought of never seeing him again; they watch him, his face never leaving your sight until finally he was out of view.

Before losing sight of him you saw him mouth one last sentence, “I will always love you.”

Eisuke had no choice but to remain silent and not interfere. Your family was against you meeting up with him and threatened to harm him if he ever touched you. He could only watch you be taken away, there wasn't much he could do when the men standing behind him were wielding guns.

Tears blurred your vision as you lay on your bed. Though you knew there was no other way. This was for the best. Your family really would harm him if you  carried on meeting. He was the first person who ever showed you love, affection, he made you feel special.

Your parents held great power and abused that power. You were only a tool for them to use. They didn't see you as their daughter. Your whole life was already planned from birth and you couldn't defy them. To kill their own daughter if she disobeyed them, that sort of thing wouldn't surprise you.

Your tears finally dried up all you were left with was emptiness. ‘Why did I have to be born?’ You started to think. You hated being trapped. If only Eisuke didn't come into your life. For the first time you were awakened to your feelings and no longer a soulless doll. Eisuke taught you what it meant to live and having experienced that it's hard to just accept life as it is now.

But what could you do? You didn't want to put Eisuke in danger. Even so, you wanted to see him one last time. No, you had to see him.

That night you secretly drugged your bodyguards and anyone who may interfere and fled the house.

Where could he be? You frantically looked. Worried that at any moment you may be caught and dragged back home. ‘He might be there.’ You recalled the place you first met and hurried there.

“Eisuke…” You had been running but stopped when you saw Eisuke standing motionlessly on the hill under a tree watching the mountains lit up by the moonlight. It was like a painting and his beauty left you breathless.

The next moment tears began to well up. Eisuke turned to meet your eyes, as if he had been waiting for you.

You shout his name as you run towards him, “I wanted to see you so much.”

“You sure love to cry.” Eisuke smirked as he teased you and you puffed up your cheeks.

“You bully. I...I was so scared and all you say is that.” You pound his chest in frustration.

Eisuke laughs and gently wipes your tears away before hugging you, “I am glad you are here.” His words were so gentle they made your heart skip a beat.

“I don't want to go home. ...I have no future there,” you earnestly say, looking at him with worry, “I know it's dangerous but I want to be with you. I also love you.”

As soon as those words left your mouth Eisuke kissed you which surprised you. The kiss was so kind and gentle you quickly relaxed and enjoyed this new experience.

“I have been waiting for you to say those words.”

“You have?”

“Now I know I can't leave you alone. Looks like we have no choice but to go somewhere no one will find us.”

“Can we do that? My parents may not even let us leave…”

“I promise. I will free you from your prison,” Eisuke held out his hand, “Do you trust me?”

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