Soryu Looking After His Daughter

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"Nami, get back here!" Soryu cried out as he chased his little girl around the house.

You had gone out to the shops and left Soryu alone to watch over your precious daughter. You thought since he was a mob boss he should be able to handle watching his own daughter. Boy, how wrong you were. Nami was in a league of her own and kept Soryu on his toes at all times. Soryu loved his daughter but sometimes she was rather mischievous and it wore him out.

"Daaaaaddy, catch me if you can! Hehehe." Nami's excited voice rang out through the house. She continued to run through the kitchen and back into the living room.

"Nami! Why won't you listen to me!?" Soryu's frustration continued to grow as Nami showed no signs of slowing down, "Where does she get all her energy from..."

The smile on her lips growing bigger and bigger, Nami looked over her shoulders, "C'mon daddy, you can't be giving up already."

Soryu was slightly lagging behind, a frown on his weary face. He didn't know how long he had been chasing her now, he thought for sure it would have been easy to catch someone so small but Nami was rather quick on her feet and knew just how to avoid him.

Soryu stopped for a moment to catch his breath, he hadn't been this tired in a long time, "Do I have to punish you? You are being a bad girl running away from me." Taking in a deep breath, his eyes followed his daughter who soon came to a stop when she realized he was no longer chasing her.

"Aww, but I just want to play. ...Am I really a bad girl?" Nami cocked her head to the side, looking at Soryu with inquiring eyes.

Soryu flinched and his eyes slightly widened at his daughters expression, but then his face hardened as he looked at her hand, "I told you how dangerous it is. You shouldn't be playing with one."

Her big round eyes growing wide, Nami looked down at her hand, "Really? But mummy said I could play with this." She said, looking back up at Soryu slightly confused.

Soryu gasped, not believing what he just heard, "She really said that? ...Just what is that crazy woman trying to do. Teaching our daughter to be a mobster? And I thought she wanted her to be no part of it..." He mumbled to himself, not understanding why you had given your five year old daughter a gun.

"Hey, daddy."

"Hmm... Hey, don't point that at me!" Soryu exclaimed when he saw Nami had the gun directed right at him with a big smile on her face.


Nami was frightened by the tone of voice her father just raised at her and her hands slightly shook. At the same moment Soryu started to run towards her once more but this time Nami didn't move, she was stuck to the spot in fear as he closed in on her the look on his face telling her play time was over.

"Now...Wait!!" When Soryu was only inches away Nami had started to squeeze the trigger. Preparing to be shot he went into a defence position but was more than shocked by what happened next.

"Huh." Soryu relaxed when not a bullet hit him but a stream of water. "This isn't a gun... It's water gun..." Shaking his head and rolling his eyes, Soryu was in disbelief. It was a water gun you had gifted your daughter but it looked nearly identical to a gun that he unfortunately mistook it.

"That woman has some explaining to do when she gets home." Soryu couldn't believe he just wasted over an hour chasing Nami around only to find out it was never a real gun. All the while Nami was having a blast and enjoying her time with her father.

"You aren't angry with me, daddy?" Tears started to well up in her eyes as she looked apologetically up at her father.

Soryu, snapping out of it at Nami's voice, finally realized his daughter was nearly in tears. There was a look of surprise on his face when he saw her current state, "Nami... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not angry with you." He knelt down to be at eye level with her. Soryu messed up her hair as he gave her a tender smile.

Nami shook of his hand, looking a little indignant about having her hair messed up, "Hey..." she began to pout and in the next moment she thrusted her tiny body into her fathers arms. Clutching onto his chest she started to cry. Soryu's eyes widened in response but quickly relaxed into a fatherly smile as he gently wrapped his arms around her.

"I still have so much to learn. I'm a terrible parent for making my little girl cry." Soryu gave a little sigh, still smiling as he held her.

Nami started to shake her head against his chest, "No you aren't." Her voice muffled against his clothes. Raising her head, Nami looked up at Soryu with determined eyes, "You are the best daddy I could have. I love you, daddy." Her voice strong and firm, she wanted her father to know how she really felt.

Soryu's eyes went wide and he momentarily froze as he let her words sink in. His eyes shook with emotion as he looked over the tiny form in his arms whom was clinging to him- her father. She trusted him to protect her and to look after her. Soryu couldn't ask for a better daughter, or better wife for that matter. He knew the day he married you was the day his life really began.

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