The Big, Buff Chicken- Eisuke

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This is a sequel to "Attack Of The Flaming Chicken". Expect lots of stupidity and silliness.

I didn't know whether I should be laughing or crying, but here I was laughing amidst my tears. It was like a curse upon my life, a foul curse. Just when I have been going through a difficult time and feeling irritable and moody, what should appear at my door? A damn ugly chicken, again. I thought the last chicken was laughable but this is on another level. This chicken looked back at me like it was judging me with it's buff body. ...What chicken has muscles?! “You stupid chicken.” I shake the plush toy, glaring at it. So what if I don't have a buff body, this chicken has no right to mock me. Whoever sent this absurd toy to me better watch out; if I find you then I will end you!

I knew there was no way Baba would play the same prank twice. Uh…or would he? No. He wouldn't, it would be too obvious. So who could have sent it? Bah. I'll get no where like this. Grasping the chicken in my hand I storm out of my room. “I will get to the bottom of this.” I declare, shaking the chickens butt in the air. My first destination is the penthouse, of course. If anyone may know something it would be them. It would seem whenever I am run afoul by a chicken I don't care about marching through the hotel waving the thing around and having all eyes on me. My anger burns within me and melts all shame.

I reach the elevator and practically smash my fist into the button. That elevator better come and fast. I may be letting my anger out on my surroundings, only a little. *ding* Finally, the elevator arrived. The doors opened and as soon as the people inside saw me they gave me strange looks but I didn't care. The elevator completely emptied out there; I don't know if because it was their final stop or because they could sense my murderous aura.

I reached the penthouse and everyone but Soryu were present. When they looked at me their faces dropped, they knew, oh they knew I was not happy.

“Is something wrong?” Baba spoke first and then he saw the chicken I held and looked like he was trying to hold back from laughing. “Yes, something is very wrong.” I waved the chicken in front of me as I walked closer. “Baba!” I pointed the chicken at him. “Why did you send me another chicken?”

Baba shrinked back hearing my tone and from me glaring at him. “Sorry, this time I'm innocent. I swear.” Baba took off his hat and bowed before me. Though the look on his face told me he still thought this was amusing. But I guess he is innocent...this time.

“Then who sent me this chicken?” I clenched my jaw, squeezing the chicken even harder. “Who thought this would be funny...wha?” Did the chicken just make a sound?

Dumbfounded, I squeezed the chicken again. “What kind of hellish sound is this?” The sounds coming from the chicken are the stuff of nightmares. Little kids wouldn't be able to sleep. Even I am very disturbed.

“Pffft.” I could hear laughter and look to see Ota and Baba both nearly on the floor, tears in their eyes.

“What was that? Whoever sent this sure knew what they were doing.” Ota said, recovering from his laughter. “This prank is amazing. I love it.” Baba added.

Hmph. Those two need some sense knocked into them. “Heeey-!” Both Ota and Baba never saw it coming. The big, buff chicken cleanly smacked them on the head several times all the while it freakish voice echoed. “We give up, we give up! Please, show mercy!”

I grin at my small victory. That showed them. Both of them looked pretty rattled and don't dare say another word.

“I'll look into it. It shouldn't be too hard to find the culprit.” Eisuke said.

Finally, I was waiting for this. “Thank you. I knew I could count on you.” I smiled at him and he flashed me a mischievous grin. “Of course. This is nothing. When it comes to you nothing is too big or too small, I will do everything within my power to help.” Eisuke stood up and gently touched my chin, “Tonight, I will help you ease all your pent up frustration. Be ready for it.” He whispered in my ear. My body went hot, hot, hot; hotter than that flaming chicken.

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