KBTBB Guys Reaction To MC Being Pregnant When They Aren't Married Yet.

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Eisuke: A mixture of happiness and worry swired inside. Eisuke couldn't believe you were pregnant. When he heard your confession it was as if time itself had stopped. It didn't immediately register what you had said but once it did a smirk flashed across his lips. He was really going to be a father. Granted, Eisuke would have rathered it been after he married you but he was still thrilled nonetheless. It only meant marriage would be on the horizon even sooner than you had expected. Eisuke would secretly read up on parenting and do everything possible to make sure your pregnancy was a comfortable one. He would be kinder than ever and always be checking up on you. Eisuke couldn't wait to see his child, a blessing from the union of your love. He would try so hard that it brings a smile to your face, "Just you wait. I'll be the best father you've ever seen."

Soryu: It would hit him like a ton of bricks. Soryu would be shocked speechless. Unable to find the words to say, his eyes looked distance. It was as if he was contemplating something. A smile would then form on his lips as he accepts your pregnancy and is overjoyed to learn he was to be a father. Soryu wasn't exactly expecting to have a child before he had even married you but he was so happy that it didn't matter. Soryu would be very awkward around you, he didn't want to hurt you in anyway. His hugs would be gentle and light. Soryu would offer to help you around the home even if he wasn't the best at it; just seeing him trying his hardest brought joy to your heart, he was so adorable. Everything Soryu did would be in the best interests of you and his child. You'd notice him smiling more than ever before, especially when talking about his child. "I'll protect you and our child. Don't worry about anything...I'll be here for you through it all."

Ota: Ota wouldn't know how to handle it at first. He wasn't expecting a child so early on in the relationship. Ota wanted to grow more with you first before even considering having a child. And now it being sprung on him so suddenly before you have even so much as being married... He needed some time alone with his thoughts to come to terms with the news. Though it wouldn't take him long to warm up to the idea. After all, It was something you and him created together. No matter what, Ota would love his child. The way he treated you after that changed radically, Ota treated you with such kindness that it surprised you. His genuine consideration for you was so moving it nearly brought you to tears. Though you had been worried at first with how Ota reacted, you quickly realized you have nothing to fear. Ota would make a wonderful father. You both promised to grow together with your child. Only laughter and happiness abounded in your home that would soon make three, "I can't wait to see our child. I'm really going to be a father... Heh, thanks for bringing such joy to my life."

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