Doubt- Eisuke

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It must be a dream. Dating the great Eisuke Ichinomiya? It felt surreal. Elli never would have imagined a few months ago that she would be in a relationship with him now. Although she couldn't help but feel unworthy of being his girlfriend; especially after she told him that… Elli has yet to be intimate with Eisuke. She told him she wasn't ready yet but in truth Elli is afraid of her own body. Elli is very self conscious of her body and feels she needs to lose some weight before going any further with Eisuke. After being picked on and called fat growing up it is no surprise she feels that way now. What Elli lacked is confidence in herself.

One day, Elli was cleaning one of the rooms in the hotel when she was approached by two of her co-workers. They gave off an unfriendly vibe making Elli tense up. Ever since they knew she was dating Eisuke they had been giving her sour looks and barely spoke a word to her.

“Do you need something?” Elli stopped what she was doing and turned to them.

One of the women scoffed, their expression turning smug. “I don't know what Eisuke sees in you. You must have blackmailed him to make him date a hippo like yourself.” The woman said with a smile full of spite towards Elli.

The woman next to her smiled equally so and praised her friend for what she said. Both looked so pretentious, Elli thought.

“Is that all you have to say? I don't have time for this…” Elli waved them both off and tried to get back to work.

“Hey. Don't ignore me!” The woman marched up to Elli and shoved her making Elli almost fall over. Elli stumbled backwards but got her footing in time. She looked at the woman with displeasure.

Elli narrowed her eyes, “Please, leave me alone. I don't want to fight.” She begged them.

But the women weren't listening. They both had cornered her. “Eisuke deserves someone better. There is no way he could ever be happy with you. If you really love him then let him go.” The woman said and then her eyes grew dark as she spoke in a near whisper, “Your fat, ugly ass never deserved him in the first place.” She said and then stood up straight with a pleased smile.

Elli was overwhelmed with emotions. Their words stung. She felt tears welling up in her eyes as she stood frozen and speechless.

The women pleased by Elli’s reaction decide now they could leave. They left the room leaving Elli all alone with her thoughts and worries.

Too emotional to continue work Elli falls to the floor in a heap. Tears flowed freely down her face. “I...shouldn't be crying but I can't help it…” she sobbed. “I may not be beautiful like them but why does that mean I can't make him happy…? I don't know… Maybe they are right.’ Elli's thoughts began to run wild. Her doubts only grew. Elli couldn't get their words out of her head.

Elli spent some time crying her heart out before she had no tears left. Eventually she continued her work- only after applying some makeup to hide her swollen eyes.

Later that day Elli was walking down one of the hallways when a well dressed man walked by with a young girl. The little girl was standing rather close to the man and seemed to be unhappy. At first glance it looked like a father and child and he had just scolded her but as Elli looked harder she knew something was off.

Elli decided to follow the pair and see where they were going; she was sure to keep her distance so she wouldn't be spotted.

(He is being rather shady. And the girl isn't making a sound. Odd.)

Then Elli caught sight of something that made her gasp. “A knife?!” Elli spotted the knife being held behind the child's back. The man was being very careful to hide it. That explained the child's silence.

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