Who Hurt You?- Soryu

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Why is this happening? All I wanted was to start a family with Soryu and be happy together. But now I'm not so sure a happy future is what awaits us.

Our anniversary was coming up shortly so I wanted to find the perfect gift for him but at some point I was captured and now I am tied up in some abandoned warehouse- being tortured by my captors.

“Who knew we would get so lucky? To find that man's wife. What a catch.” The man licked his lips as he looked at me like some prey. Just looking at him made me sick. “Hey, girlie.” The man roughly grabbed my chin, “We are going to make your husband suffer.” A hand falls down to my stomach, “This child will never see the light of day.” No sooner does he finish those words do I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

I wince in pain but am unable to scream as my mouth is bound. I'm not sure how many times they hit me, at some point the pain feels so far away. All I can do is cry as I feel like these may be my last moments.

(I'm sorry Soryu… I'm so...sorry…)

“Huh?” I realize my captors are nowhere to be seen. I'm all alone now and my hands and feet are no longer bound. At some point I must have passed out and when I awoke they were gone. But something was wrong… “The baby…!” I couldn't feel it any longer. I wanted to throw up. The baby was...dead. No…

“No… Why…? Nooooo!” I screamed over and over as I cried out in agony. I used all the energy I had to grab my phone and message Soryu. All I could do now was wait. I didn't have the strength to move and knowing our baby was dead was a pain I could not bear. My body fell against the cold hard ground, I remained there waiting for help to arrive.

“__?! Hey! Wake up!”

“Nnngh? S...Soryu?” I open my eyes. Soryu’s concerned face was the first thing I see.

“I can't believe this.” Soryu was giving off a very terrifying aura. His eyes were filled with hatred. “Who hurt you? I will make them suffer!”

Soryu… He was ready to go on a rampage for my sake. But it's pointless… Nothing will bring the baby back.

I weakly grabbed Soryu’s clothes, “Soryu…” I choke back tears, “The baby...it's dead.”

Hearing those words something snapped inside Soryu. I hardly recognized him. Even I felt scared. He was like a demon...a beast had awakened in him.

“No. They won't just suffer. I will kill them.” He spat with a cold malice.

After that Soryu rushed me to the hospital and he was with me in my room. I was crying after it was confirmed the baby was indeed dead. I could hardly think. What was going to happen now. Soryu would still be by my side...right?

“I'm sorry… This is all my fault. Because of me you have only experienced immense pain. If we stay together you will never be happy. You will always be in danger.”

My tears ceased at his words. I looked at him, dread welling up within. “What are you saying? I knew I would be in danger being with you but I chose to walk this road. I want to be with you. I already am happy because we are together.”

“Happy? We just lost our baby because of me. How can you be happy?!” Soryu shouted.

I recoiled slightly under his tone. “Of course I'm sad about what happened… It hurts a lot. But that doesn't mean I want to lose you. Please, listen to me!” But as much as I plead and beg him my words don't seem to be getting through. His mind was already overcome by regret and feelings of revenge.

“Sorry… I can't stay with you. I can't let you get hurt again.” Soryu refused to even look at me anymore. His words sounded cold and so distant.

He slowly started to walk away and I cry out to him, “Wait. Don't go! If you go… I don't want this to be the end. Soryu… please.”

“Just forget about me. We've already lost our child, If you were also to die because of me I could never live with myself. Go find your happiness elsewhere.” He continued to walk towards the door, stopping at the doorway, “I will find those who hurt you and kill them so you won't have to worry. Don't come looking for me. Goodbye.” And with that he disappeared.

“Soryu…!” I screamed his name over and over but it was pointless. He wasn't coming back. Now I didn't lose only my child but the man I love. I didn't know how I would ever recover from this. If only we could have lived a normal life. Then would be have found the happiness we longed for?

This must be the price that is paid for trying to find happiness in a relationship that could only end with broken hearts.

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