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What a day at work... I want another vacation I'm already done. 

Anyway. Gonna go watch the Eternals Red Carpet now.


December 2025

Nahikari's POV:

"We are continuing to bring you all the bring sports news around the world. First, in hockey, the Boston Pride have announced the signing of Alexandra Hernandez. Hernandez has not played hockey since suffering a broken leg during a training session for Shenzhen in 2023."

I looked at the TV. 

"In breaking news, Portuguese star, Mariana Mendes was attacked in her home country last night. Reports say she was followed by a car and was ran off the road. The suspects then shot her and left the scene. Mariana was rushed to the hospital where she is currently in stable condition." 

I grabbed my phone and called Virginia. "Hey Nahi." She answered. 

"What happened to Mariana?" 

"She wasn't answering Mapi. And finally, when she did answer, it was actually Mariana's mom. I don't know if they got them. Mariana had surgery, guess she hasn't woken up yet. I don't really know much."

"Just have to wait and see then."

"Pretty much." 

January 2026

Alexandra's POV:

I got suited up and sat at my locker. "Ready for your debut?" My coach asked.

"I've waited to play for Boston. This is a big moment for me." 

She nodded. "Good. Alright here's how we'll start!" 

I started on the third line. Just getting to play hockey again was good enough for me. 

The game started off well. We were playing well and keeping possession, but trying to break through for that goal was tough. 

The second period started and I started out. 

We needed a goal.

I needed a goal.

Virginia's POV:

"How are things with Nahi?" Lol asked.

"Good. How are things with Carmen? You two married yet?"

She laughed. "Like we'd do the whole marriage thing."

"Why not? Mapi's doing it." 

She nodded. "Carmen and I have been together for so many years. I never felt a reason to put a ring on it." She shrugged. "Maybe I will eventually but we're in a good place right now. Great place, even. What about you? Would you ever marry Nahi?" She smirked.

I laughed. "Probably not. Virginia Torrecilla doesn't do marriage. I hope I'll be with her forever, but marriage is not in my future."

Alexandra's POV:

"Let's go!" I hugged my teammates. 

"Scoring for your Boston Pride! #10 Alexandra Hernandez!"  

I sat down on the bench. "Welcome back." Coach patted my shoulder. They grabbed the puck and threw it. "I know it's not your first in your career, but it's a big goal."

"Thanks." I smiled. 

The game ended 1-0. 

I went to a press conference after. "My question is for Alexandra. Alex it's been a few years since we last saw you on the ice. You suffered a broken leg but after healing stepped away. Where are you mentally?"

I nodded. "I was going through a lot even before I broke my leg. And that was kind of the tipping point." I shrugged. "Without going too much into the details, I hit rock bottom. I hit it hard and I'm not at 100%. I have a lot of work to do, but I will say that where I was before, I'm much better now. I found my love for hockey again."

Nahikari's POV:

"Next question?"

"Alex, who was able to help you when you hit rock bottom?"

She smiled. "My sister. My sister has been the best. I can honestly say in the past few years, I've been the worst sister ever, but she's stuck by me. I'm so thankful for her and she was the one who convinced me to get back on the ice. When everyone was pushing me further down, my sister and my best friend, Beck really pulled me out."

I scoffed. 

"Fans did point out you were friends with Spanish star, Nahikari Garcia. How has her friendship helped?"

"It didn't. Her friendship is what pushed me to rock bottom." She said. "I tried to fix that friendship but she wasn't in the same place. Sometimes you have to move on." 

I turned to my right.

"Uh what did she just say?" Nat asked.

"I hope Virginia didn't see it." I sighed.

I looked at my phone.


"I think she saw it." Nat said.

I answered and put it on speaker. "WHAT DID SHE SAY!" 

I looked at Nat. "Yeah. She definitely saw." She nodded.

"Vir, drop it."

"No. She can say whatever she wants about me. But the MINUTE she goes after you? Nope. The line has been CROSSED! NO ONE talks about my girlfriend like that!" 

"Vir if we're kicking her ass let me know when!"

"I see why you and Mariana get along so well." She said. I laughed. 

"Yeah, you two are very violent."

"I think I'm move likely to actually act on it though." I turned to her. "You know what. I take that back, Mariana is worse." 

I laughed. "Vir, just let it go. She knows how to react to her, she's trying to get you to respond so don't. If you want to have my back please do not respond."

She sighed. "I won't. What are you going to do if you get asked about it?"

Nat looked at me. "Do what I do best."

"Which is?"

"Talk about football and only football." 

February 2026

Atletico and Barcelona played tomorrow. We were playing Sevilla today. 

After our win, I was approached by the media. "Nahikari I wanted to ask about comments made by American hockey player, Alexandra Hernande last month. She said that your friendship is what pushed her to rock bottom. Any response?" 

I nodded. "If that's how our friendship, then maybe I was friends with a different Alex." I shrugged. "My main focus is playing great football for Real Sociedad and the national team whenever I get the chance. If anyone has questions related to the match today, I'll answer those. Because it's relevant." I smiled. "Next question?"

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