Good Enough

909 38 0

July 2021

Nahikari's POV:

"Nahi!" I kept walking. "Nahi please just talk to me!" 

I stopped and turned to Virginia. "I have nothing to say to you." 


"You went to America and started a fight with Alex. What were you thinking!"

"That wasn't why I went." She said. "I went with Mapi and Leila to visit Mapi's girlfriend." She sighed. "I hated seeing you so scared and worried over someone who was treating you that way. You care about her so much and she's not giving you that same energy back!"

"Why is it your concern?"

"Because I care about you! And you're amazing and you deserve to have someone who will treat you the way you deserve!"

"If you care about me so much why'd you go out with Ona? Why'd you come to my hotel and make me feel safe, only to leave before I woke up and hang out with another girl? You get to flirt with whoever you want, but I can't worry about my friend who is CLEARLY going through something right now?"

She looked down. "That's not what I'm saying. You're putting words in my mouth."

"Then what are you saying? Because I'm confused. You confuse me SO much." I shook my head. "Just talk to Virginia it will all work out! I never should've talked to you." I walked away.

"Nahi!" She yelled.

Alexandra's POV:

"Well, it's healing quickly." The doctor said.

"You want me to stay away! You'll have to make me."

"I didn't come here to start a fight. But I'll finish one."

"You going to hit me, Virginia! Do it!"

"Vir don't!"

"How'd this happen again?" He asked.

She came towards me and I swung. She dodged it and grabbed me. "I don't want to hurt you, Alex."

"I want to hurt you!" I pushed her away. "You don't deserve Nahikari! I'll never understand why she likes you!" I threw another punch. She backed away.

"I don't get it either!" She stopped moving and stared at me. "If you want to punch me then go ahead. But I am not going to hit you, Alex."

"I uh, punched the wall." I looked down. 

"Makes sense by the cuts on your knuckles." He stood up. "Why'd you punch the wall?"

"Everything fell apart." I sighed. "I met someone and became friends with her. But I started to fall for her even though I knew she liked someone else. I tried to stop my feelings but I couldn't. Having to listen to her talk about everything, then getting dropped by my team it just," I shook my head. "It just sucks."

"I tried. Tried to push my feelings for her away and I couldn't. So I ignored her. Not talking to her hurt less than having to listen to her talk about you! Virginia this and Virginia that. What's so great about you? Nothing. You're just another person who's going to break her heart." 

Virginia shook her head. "Fuck you." 

I threw another punch and she pushed me. My fist hit the pole we were near. "FUCK!" I grabbed my hand.

"I'm going to say this one more time." She leaned down and whispered to me. "Stay the hell away from Nahikari." 

He nodded and sat back down. "Do you normally lash out like that when things start to fall apart?"

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