A Promise to Someone

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Surprise bitch.

I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. 

I've been rereading the stories of the International series and thought why not update? So here it is!

Life has been busy and I'm in a downward spiral. So I wrote an update!


February 2026

Virginia's POV:

"There she is. The human target!" Lola laughed. Mariana glared at her.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one, Lola?" 

"4 days." Lola mumbled.

Mariana nodded. "Yeah. I could tell." 

I laughed and hugged her. "I'm wrapping you in bubble wrap." 

"Aw. Did you want to do that before you elbowed me in the eye too or?"

Carmen choked on her water. 

"You know what Menayo!" 

"What?" Carmen smirked.

"I missed you, Carmen." Mariana smiled.

The crowd was not giving Mariana a break. They've never been this bad to a player returning with a new team. They boo Jenni, but this was a new level. 

After talking with Mapi and Mariana, I walked towards my team. "You know, I was saying me and you would take care of anyone who messes with Mariana."


"Then you tripped over your own foot." I said.

"I could still kick their ass." Lola said.

"Stop kicking your own first." I smiled.

Nahikari's POV:

"All that matter's is Mari is ok." Nat said.

"True. I worry that if anything happens to Mariana or her family again, Vir might actually try to fight someone." I smiled. Nat laughed.

"How is Vir?" She asked. "Still upset about the Alex thing?"

"No." I shook my head. "She knows that Alex will do anything to get under her skin. I'm not focused on Alex at all."

"So what really happened when you went to visit her?" Nat looked at me. I stared at her. "Don't look at me like that. I'm Italian. We're in everyone's business without even trying." I laughed. "She overdosed. What does that have to do with you?"

"I didn't want or plan to visit her. Her sister panicked. Regardless of everything Alex has done, her sister is a sweetheart. Everything her sister has put her through, losing both her parents." I shook my head. "I went for her more than Alex."

"Did you know Alex had a drug problem?" 

"No one did." I looked down. "Clearly she's better now. Back on the ice and still running her mouth." I shrugged.

Nat laughed. "Were you two ever a thing?"

"We went on dates, but once she saw how I was with Vir?" I shook my head. "That ended anything between us. She wanted to help us get together. But then switched and wanted me for herself instead. You know me, Nat. You know I'll never wish anything bad on anyone. I know everyone hates Alex. But I sincerely hope she gets everything together. Finds true happiness. That's all I want for anyone." 

Virginia's POV:

The game ended. It was a tough loss to take. But seeing Mariana bounce back made it sting just a little less. I applauded our fans and walked around.

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