Was It Her

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June 2020

Alex's POV:

"Where'd you go?" Zariah asked.

"To see a friend." I picked up my cup of coffee.

"Will I get to meet this friend?" 

I looked up at her. "Maybe. I haven't decided yet."


"Because I don't know what our friendship is anymore." I sighed. 

"What did you do? You didn't sleep with this friend did you?"

"No! Of course not!" I put the cup in front of my mouth. "She kissed me and I didn't stop her." I took a sip.


I put the cup down. "She kissed me! What was supposed to do? She's hot! I'm gay! I'm not as strong as you all thought." 

She laughed. "What's her name?"

I looked around. "Nahikari."

"Sounds hot." She picked up her phone. "Last name?"


She typed on her phone. "Oh. Wow, Alex. She is hot."

I put my head down. "You aren't supposed to agree with me. Also, you have a boyfriend!"

"I also have eyes." She scrolled through her Instagram. "Yeah. You upgraded. Your ex? I never wanted to say it cause I'm not an asshole but, she was like a 4. And you? You're a solid 8."

"We have the same face. If I'm an 8, so are you."

"No. I'm a 10. Ok? But this girl? She's not even on the scale! She's like a 500! If she kisses you again, do yourself a favor. Don't stop her."

I sighed. "It's not that simple. Look. When I met her was I attracted to her? Of course, I was. She's amazing! I asked her out, but she was so focused on this other girl, a teammate of hers." I shook my head. "As much as I wish I could have her all to myself, she really likes this girl, and I know that she likes her too. I can't get in the way of that, Z. I can't."

Virginia's POV:

I was walking around and heard footsteps. 

"Vir!" Jenni ran to me.

"Oh hey, Mrs. Putellas." I laughed. 

"Don't." She sighed. "Enough about me. How are you?"

"Enough about you? Jenni you just came over here." 

"No need to get defensive."

"I'm not? I'm confused?" I looked around.

"I don't like your attitude."

"What is happening." I said growing more and more confused.

"That's it. I'm leaving."

"Wait! What?" She walked away. "What the hell." 

Lola walked toward me. "Hey."

"What's going on with Jenni?"

"No idea." She said. "Love melted her brain."

"Good thing that will never happen to me." I said. 


"Never." I repeated. 

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't think it, Lola. I know it's not going to happen to me." I looked down and sighed. "Everyone has a happy ending. They find THAT person and that's it. But me?" I shook my head and looked at her. "I don't get that." 

"You don't know that, Vir." She said.

"You and Carmen, Jenni and Alexia," I scoffed. "Leila? Leila got the sweetest person and she's on cloud nine. Even Mapi now with this Portuguese girl." I looked around. "But I can't even get Na-" I stopped. 

"What? You can't get what?"

I looked at Lola. "I know Carmen told you. How could she not have told you?"

"Told me what? I'm confused."

"Told you that I like Nahikari!" I laughed. "I like her SO much! But she's with that Alex person who flew all the way to Spain JUST to surprise her. And I showed her the way to Nahi's door." I sighed. "Whatever. If Nahi is happy with her, then I'm happy. Isn't that what it's all about? Seeing that person happy? You care about them and you just want them to be happy? If she's happy then I should be happy too right? Right! Then why am I so fucking miserable!" 

"Virginia calm down." Lola put her hands on my arms. "I didn't know, I'm sorry." She sighed and hugged me. "I'm sorry. Look," She stepped back and looked at me. "I'm going to help you." 

I looked down. "How?"

"Just trust me on this." She walked away and I nodded. 

No one's POV:

Alexia and Jenni heard footsteps behind them. Lola was running towards them.

"Slow down." Jenni grabbed her. "What's going on?"

"Nahikari." Lola gapsed. "Get Nahikari."

"What?" Alexia looked at Jenni.

"You want to get rid of Virginia?" Alexia nodded. "Get Nahikari. I need a nap."

Nahikari's POV:

"Spend the rest of your time with your sister." I said. "I have some work to do anyway."

"You're really ignoring the fact that I came here to be with you right?"

I laughed. "Alex."

"Have you talked to Virginia at all?"

I shook my head. "No. You never said which teammate helped you to my house."

"If you show me some of your teammates I'll point her out." I took my phone out. "She never said her name, had a tattoo right here. She had one on her hand too." I dropped my phone. "What?" She said. "Who was it?"

I picked up my phone. "Alex," I scrolled through my pictures and found the one I was looking for. "Was it her?" I showed her the picture.

"Yeah. That was her. Why?"

"Alex. That was Virginia."

I looked at the picture. The one from the World Cup. When I jumped on Vir's back.

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