Chapter 2

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Izuku woke up this morning and decided he was gonna go to Dagobah municipal beach and clean it to help out the community. Izuku told his mother and she decided to hire a truck and driver to help him out.

When Izuku arrived to the beach/dumping spot he immediately started moving the small stuff up to the parking lot. For about three hours Izuku worked without taking a break, and the truck finally arrived seeing the small mountain of garbage already in the parking lot. The driver sees Izuku carrying another load of garbage up the steps and she seems to understand why the truck was hired. When Izuku sees the truck he places his load on the pile and heads up to the driver.

A/N: The truck is at the top

"Are you the person my mom hired to drive the garbage to the proper dump location?" Izuku asked politely.

"I am." The driver responds.

"Well then, thank you for your time miss..." Izuku trails off not knowing her name.

"Emi Fukukado, but call me Emi. And you are?" Ms. Joke introduces herself.

"I'm Izuku Aizawa, it's nice to meet you Ms. Joke, and before you freak out I only know cause dad talks about you." Izuku rambles.

"So Eraserhead talks about me?" Ms. Joke asks curiously. "What does he say?"

"Yeah he talks about how your jokes are actually funny but how he has to keep up the grumpy façade around others." Izuku says without thinking.

When Izuku realized what he said he slaps his hand over his mouth.

"Oh no. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that." Izuku says, hand still over his mouth.

Ms. Joke bursts out laughing and eventually Izuku joins in. When they finally stop Izuku asks if he can start loading the garbage into the truck, and Ms. Joke decides to help him.

As the months went by Izuku and Ms. Joke or as he decided to call her, with her permission, Aunt Emi cleaned the entire beach upping Izuku's strength and everything. Whenever a news crew would try and catch the boy who people are taking pictures and small videos of him helping Ms. Joke he would shift into an ant and climb on Emi's shoe and wait for them to leave. Luckily nobody but Aizawa caught on, and he had a real laugh at the disappointed faces on the press when they never got the scoop.

They finished cleaning the beach about a month and a half early so Izuku asked Aizawa something.

"Hey Dad?" Izuku inquired.

"Yes bud?" Mr. Aizawa responded curiously.

"Can you teach me how to use a capture scarf?" Asked giving the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, although it takes more than a month and a half to learn." Mr. Aizawa says.

"By the way what am I gonna call you in school?" Izuku asks.

"Confident are we? And if you get in, during school hours you will call me Mr. Aizawa." He responds.

"Thanks Dad." Izuku says before heading to his room for the night.

So, for the remaining time until the entrance exam Eraserhead and Izuku were out in a clearing in the woods with Eraserhead teaching him how to use the capture scarf, and against Eraserhead's statement Izuku learned how to use the capture weapon in a month and spent the rest of the time perfecting his own technique and improving his skill, all while keeping up with his regular training and quirk training.

It's now the day of the entrance exam, Mr. Aizawa offered Izuku his first ever recommendation but Izuku denied, saying he wanted to earn his place in UA and not be handed it, this made a rare proud smile show on his face.

Izuku arrives at UA and looks up in awe. He trips on the pavement but before he hits the ground he starts to float.

"Sorry for using my quirk on you without permission. Nice scarf by the way." A girl says with a bright smile.

"Thank you. I'm Izuku Aizawa by the way, and no need to be sorry." Izuku reassures.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka." She introduces herself.

After that they both went in to take the exam. They sat next to each other in the auditorium. Midnight came in and said that they had 2 hours for the test in front of them.

About ten minutes later Izuku walks up to Midnight to hand in his test.

"Are you quitting or are you finished?" Midnight asked surprised.

"I'm finished, the test was really easy although there were a couple errors in the questioning, though they looked purposefully placed." Izuku replied with a smile.

"Well alright then, proceed to the next auditorium and wait till the others are finished." Midnight said surprise still evident on her face.

"Thank you." Izuku said with an even brighter smile.

With that said Izuku headed to the auditorium and sat in the far back corner and pulled his book about mythological/fantasy creatures out of wherever Nezu gets his tea, and started reading. He was so absorbed in learning about the new creatures in the book that he didn't notice the room start to fill with people. That is, until Present Mic started screaming about the practical exam, making Izuku drop his book in his lap out of fear. When he realized that nobody was near him he relaxed, picked up his book and put it back where he got it from, then payed attention to what PM was saying although he already knew about the practical since he read the handout before even coming to the exam.

At his exam city Izuku spotted Uraraka about to have a meltdown so he started to head over to her when he dodged a hand and kept moving.

"Calm down you got this." Izuku said reassuringly.

"Thank you." Uraraka said after steadying her breathing.

The blue haired boy that tried to stop Izuku started harshly berating himself for his foolish assumption.

When the doors open Izuku immediately shifted into his werewolf form and took off into the city leaving a group of people laughing at him until PM asked them what they were doing and told them that there are no count downs in real life.

After seven minutes Izuku had tied AM's score and decided to leave some robots for the others, and took a page out of his dad's book and took a nap, or that's what he was going to do until the ground started shaking. He went to see what it was only to see the zero pointer. He was about to follow the other students till he heard a cry for help. Izuku turned back around and spotted Uraraka trapped under some rubble from a building. Izuku then turned into a giant Cyclopes the size of the zero pointer and easily reached over and ripped it's head off leaving the robot standing stable so it wouldn't fall and hurt anyone. He then set the head on top of a random building and shifted into his werewolf form and got the rubble off of Uraraka. He then went back to human form.

"Can you walk?" Izuku asked worriedly.

"No, I think my ankle is broken." Said with a pained expression.

"Climb on after I'm done." Izuku instructed.

Izuku then shifted into a black unicorn, then crouched low enough for Uraraka to climb on. When she got on and got stable Izuku started walking towards the gate. When he got to the gate where the examinees were all huddled up terrified, they heard his hooves on the pavement and looked towards him and Uraraka in awe. They also parted like the red sea for Moses so he could walk through and get to recovery girl so she could heal Uraraka. After she kissed Uraraka's ankle she told her goodnight and asked Izuku to take her to the infirmary.

After Izuku got done setting Uraraka on a bed in the infirmary he shifted back to human form and headed to the observation room.

"Dad, I'm ready to go when you are." Izuku said.

"Sure, lets go." Mr. Aizawa said getting up.

Half the teachers passed out from shock when Aizawa responded, including Midnight.

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