Chapter 12

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Class 1-A is in their dorm common room watching TV when the news comes on with a special broadcast.

"Today we bring an interview with the Chief of Police in Hosu city about the arrest of the hero killer: Stain." A news reporter said before turning her attention to the Chief. "Who arrested Stain?"

"It was done legally by hero course student Myth." The Chief answered honestly. "Now, that is their hero name and we know their civilian name but we will not be releasing it to the public."

"What do you mean legally? Do they have a license?" The reporter bombarded him with questions.

"They do not, but they were given permission to use their quirk to take down the hero killer because while Copy Nin, an underground hero, did not have the ability to do so Myth did." The Chief answered bluntly. "They were also given permission to use their quirk to heal Ingenium so Ingenium will be back out helping people in no time."

"Thank you Chief, and a very special thank you to Myth from both the city and the families of the people Stain killed or injured." The reporter said before she signed off.

All of class 1-A turned and gawked at Izuku who was blushing from embarrassment, but that soon turned to fear when he spotted the looks from Momo and Jiro.

"He didn't hit me a single time, I don't have a scratch on me and backup was there in case I needed it so I did it safely." Izuku said quickly, trying to spare himself.

"Fine, since you had help there if you needed it we'll let it slide." Yaoyorozu said pointedly.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief and something he didn't expect to happen did. Kendo ran up to him and hugged him. He freaked out at first but settled down as soon as he realized he wasn't being attacked.

"What's this for Kendo?" Izuku asked very confused.

"Why would you take on the hero killer?" Kendo asked with tears forming in her eyes.

Izuku didn't answer because he didn't want to expose Iida but that wasn't an issue apparently because Iida spoke up.

"It was because of me, I was blinded by my rage about my brother being attacked and paralyzed by Stain and I lost control of myself and acted on that rage." Iida answered with his head bowed in shame. "I was about to be killed when Izuku literally swooped in and saved me, he then went on and healed my brother."

Momo, Jiro, and Kendo turned towards Iida in sync scaring every guy in the room including Izuku

"So you're the reason Izuku was in danger!" The three girls shouted in anger.

Iida chose the smart option and ran for his life, but he was dragged back in by Aizawa.

"Didn't I say you were under house arrest for the stunt you pulled, you should be glad I don't expel you for going out and doing that." Aizawa said angrily. "How would it have looked if UA got yet another red mark in the first couple months of school, we've already got two because of Katsuki and Mineta."

"So he only cares because it would have damaged the schools reputation, not because I was put in danger" Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku left for his dorm. His sadness being spotted by Momo, Jiro, and Kendo. All three were now very angry at Aizawa, their anger at Iida long forgotten. Momo, Jiro, and Kendo knowing they can't do anything against Aizawa without getting expelled left towards Izuku's dorm. They entered without knocking and found him crying is his miniature stable in baby unicorn form, if it had been a different circumstance they would have awed at the sight. They went over and sat next to him letting him know he's not alone but not really saying anything.

(Quiet presence is often more comforting than talking, at least in my experience)

It's time for final exams. Izuku and Momo did their best to help everybody in the class but there's only so much two people can do for eighteen others. They all have a decent to good feeling about how they did on the written exam but now it's time for the practical and while everybody has said it's just the robots again Izuku has his doubts and voiced them to everybody and helped them to overprepare so that no matter what was thrown at them they were ready.

"Hello students, I'm sure you are all wondering why all the teachers are here." Nezu greeted cheerily.

"It's because Aizawa was right and we're not fighting the robots we're fighting the teachers." Kaminari answered. "Boy am I glad Aizawa helped us overprepare when we thought it was robots."

"You are correct Mr. Kaminari." Nezu said sounding happy and a touch proud.

"That's a first." Jiro commented jokingly.

"Anyways, you'll be paired up and the teachers will have limiters put on them to even it out as best as we can." Nezu explained. "You may look at the board to find out who you're paired with and who you are fighting."

"Where is Aizawa's name, not Mr. Aizawa's." Kendo asked upon noticing the absence in the list.

"That's because he is a special case, he shall be fighting solo and the teacher he is fighting shall have no restraints." Nezu answered causing the class to worry.

"Then who is he fighting?" Kirishima asked, voicing his worry.

"Either All Might or Aizawa, that choice is his." Nezu stated.

"I'll fight All Might." Izuku answered, shocking everybody.

"Interesting choice, may we know your reasoning?" Nezu asked curiously.

"I have a few reasons actually, I have a few personal reasons that would hinder me if I were to fight with Mr. Aizawa, not only that, while we are evenly matched with using the scarf and martial arts he has more experience so I would need my quirk to fight him and he knows almost everything there is to know about my quirk, meaning I would be at a severe disadvantage so I'm choosing the smartest option." Izuku explained calmly. "Fighting All Might is the best choice, because we've already seen that I have the physical strength and speed to keep up with and surpass him, but it's also because I don't have the same personal issues with fighting him leaving me with the advantage."

"Smart, I guess you now know who Izuku is fighting." Nezu said moving on from the subject. "Does anybody else wish to fight a teacher without their restraints on, perhaps solo?"

"I shall, I will have to at least attempt to measure myself against Izuku, he was right with what he tried to tell me at the sports festival but I was stupid and refused to listen." Todoroki said slightly ashamed of himself. "I cannot become a hero if I let my personal grudges get in the way of giving it my absolute all to save someone and that means using my fire as well as my ice, I shall fight Eraserhead."

"Very well, the matches are set up and we are almost ready to begin." Nezu announced cheerily. "We're just waiting for Cementoss to give us the signal that he's finished prepping the arenas."

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