Chapter 14

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We see all of class 1-A on a bus heading for the training camp. Momo and Jiro are cuddling up asleep, Kirishima and Mina are also cuddling but not asleep, Hagakure and Ojiro, Uraraka and Asui, Shinso and Denki, Aoyama and Tokoyami, and Kendo and Izuku. Izuku is wearing the special item he bought at the mall.

A black kitsune mask with white designs and has his hood from his jacket up to cover his hair

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A black kitsune mask with white designs and has his hood from his jacket up to cover his hair. At first the others were confused as to why he was wearing the mask and hood, Izuku refused to explain why so Jiro told everybody about the argument between Mr. Aizawa and Midnight. They were shocked and now understood why Momo and Jiro developed their "Mom modes" as Mina dubbed them. They understood that Izuku's self sacrificing nature is what brought this along.

"Alright brats, everybody off." Aizawa ordered coldly.

Everybody got off the bus and were met with a black car pulling up. Two girls a dude and a kid all got out of the car before three of the four struck a pose. Izuku immediately recognized who they were.

"The training camp is at the base of the mountain all the way over there." Mandalay explained while pointing towards the mountain. "You have three hours to get there or no dinner."

"Who's the kid with the mask?" Pixie Bob asked curiously.

"He's the winner of the sports festival." Aizawa said emotionlessly. "Aizawa, you're not allowed to use your quirk to help the others."

"Understood sensei." Izuku said blankly, hiding his pain once again.

Pixie Bob then threw them off the mountain but Izuku used his capture scarf that he always wears as a reminder of the time Aizawa was a good father to him, an emotional anchor if you will, to grab Kendo, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro while using the other end to snag one of the trees and swing down before gently landing. He then took his mask off.

"Is everybody alright?" Izuku asked concerned.

"We're all good." Mina answered, getting a sigh of relief from Izuku.

"Kirishima, Itsuka, and Ojiro we need you to take point, put those martial arts lessons I gave you to good use Kirishima." Izuku ordered, getting everybody organized. "Iida I need you to scout ahead to see what's going on and why we were given three hours when it would only take us half an hour without obstacles, do not engage, just recon." Iida nodded in understanding. "Momo be ready for if we need bandages, Kaminari you are a last resort so don't go shorting out, Jiro please keep an ear on Iida if he calls for help, Hagakure, how good are you at stealth?"

"I'm no master like you and Aizawa sensei but I shouldn't be spotted." Hagakure answered with a pun to try and lighten the mood receiving a couple chuckles in return.

"I need you to go a little bit ahead of Kirishima and the other two as a backup scout to keep an eye on things while Iida is reporting his findings." Izuku said and she nodded though it wasn't seen by anybody. "Koda can you get the birds to keep an eye out from above for us, tell them I said please and that it'd mean alot to us." Koda nodded shyly before doing as requested. "Tokoyami I need you at the back playing defense along with Shoji, Aoyama you're also a last resort until you can learn to function with your quirk despite its drawback, Shinso I don't think your quirk will work against whatever is out here so please stick close to the back, I'm putting you on rear guard because while you can function with the capture scarf you're not quite skilled enough to take enemies head on yet." The mentioned group nodded and moved into position without hesitation or complaint. "Tsu can you hop through the trees to get a higher vantage on any possible enemies, Uraraka you are also a last resort because of your strength but also the danger your strategy poses to us should we make one wrong move, Mina and Sero I need you guarding our left side to prevent flanking, Todoroki I need you on our right side, and Sato you are with Kaminari because of your similar drawback, is there anyone I missed?"

"You got us all." Yaoyorozu said and Izuku nodded in thanks.

"Then lets move out and stay safe everyone, as you heard I'm not allowed to use my quirk to help you but that doesn't mean I won't help without using it." Izuku said and everybody nodded in understanding.

Everybody then moved along with the plan Iida ran ahead and spotted a blockade of dirt monsters before trying to sprint back but having his path blocked by more dirt monsters.

"Jiro I am in need of assistance!" Iida called out slightly alarmed.

"Iida needs assistance." Jiro reported, alerting everybody.

"Tsu, you're up, go and retrieve him." Izuku said and Asui nodded. "Do not engage unless absolutely necessary."

"Roger that." Asui said already moving through the trees.

Asui then took to the trees and was able to retrieve Iida but they were followed by the dirt monsters.

"Kirishima, Itsuka, and Ojiro you're up." Izuku said and got looks of determination in return.

"Understood Bro." Kirishima said already activating his quirk.

They then moved to intervene and dispatched the dirt monsters quickly and efficiently with the group following.

"Dirt monsters on our left." Jiro said alerting Izuku to the threat right before he spotted it himself.

"Sero you tape them, Mina you dissolve them, quickly." Izuku ordered.

"On it." Mina said already moving into position.

They proceeded through the forest at a quick pace with Iida scouting and returning and they made it through in about an hour. Izuku only had to step in once to help the vanguard deal with an overwhelming number of dirt monsters. Kirishima ended up with a split lip from being hit in the face but overall was fine. Izuku didn't even use his quirk. Izuku put his mask back on and pulled his hood up before exiting the forest.

"Aizawa the only way you guys got through that quickly was if you used your quirk." Aizawa said with anger visible on his face and obvious from his tone.

"Actually the only thing he did was organize everybody effectively and the only time he intervened was when I threw about thirty at the guys in front and even then he only used his capture weapon to dispatch them." Pixie Bob stepped in nervously.

"Alright, a deal's a deal, dinner is on the table ready for you and we have an outdoor bath for before bed." Mandalay informed the tired group. "The bath is split by gender and we don't want any peaking you hear me."

"Izuku would deal with us if we even dared to think about something like that, so you don't have to worry about that." Kaminari said with a shiver of fear. "Dude can be scary when he wants to be."

"Actually I let Zuke deal with the times that being scary is required." Izuku answered honestly with a nervous chuckle.

"That makes alot more sense now." Mina said laughing joyously.

"Alrighty then, we're only cooking for you for today." Mandalay said with a clap to draw everybody's attention back to her. "Starting tomorrow you are cooking your own meals so everybody get ready for us to break you and build you up stronger than before." Everybody nodded with enough sheer determination to unease the pro heroes. "Dismissed."

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