Chapter 13

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Midnight pulled Aizawa aside and around a corner just before it was her turn to start the test.

"What do you think you're doing to that poor kid, you're supposed to be his father." Midnight said with tears in her eyes from the pain Izuku is going through.

Jiro noticed Izuku shift his ears to hear what was going on so she decided to listen in as well.

"With the way you're acting it's like he lost both parents instead of just one." Midnight said, pleading for Aizawa to see reason. "I get that you loved her but if she's watching what you're doing to her baby boy then you are in for one hell of a beating when you die."

"What am I supposed to do, huh, I can't stand to see his face!" Aizawa yelled. "He's literally an exact replica of Inko and every time I look at him it's like he's shoving a knife right into my heart!"

"So you decided to get even by hurting him for something that's not his fault, you're acting just like those kids who used to attack you because of your quirk." Midnight ranted, anger clear in her voice before walking away from Aizawa to prevent herself from hitting him.

Midnight then goes back into the observation room and spots the tears in Izuku's eyes and the ears on his head and immediately knows that he heard every word they said. She's shocked and is about to go towards Izuku but it's time for her round so she has to leave.

By the time Midnight's round is over and she gets back Izuku is nowhere to be found. He's on a bus heading towards his round with All Might. When the round starts the first thing All Might does is throw a punch using wind pressure to destroy all the buildings and Izuku walks right down the middle of the fake city towards All Might.

"Thank you." Izuku said numbly.

"Why are you, a hero, thanking me, a villain?" All Might questioned, remaining in character despite his confusion.

"You destroyed every building in the city with that punch meaning that there's no need for me to try to minimalize property damage so I can go all out." Izuku explained emotionlessly.

Everybody is watching and listening to everything and they don't like how Izuku is sounding. He sounds almost like a robot with his lack of emotion. They see him start to shift and they see his werewolf form but after he's in his werewolf form something else happens. Armor starts to form around him increasing his defense and he gets in a stance before he's all of a sudden he's right in front of All Might throwing a direct jab sending All Might flying before All Might gets back up. Immediately Izuku is directly in front of him and placing quirk cancelling cuffs on him. All Might then passed out.

Computer: Exam over, Izuku Aizawa has passed the exam.

Everybody in the observation room is in shock from the events that transpired. Izuku defeated All Might in one punch. They still haven't picked up their jaws by the time Izuku enters carrying an unconscious All Might over his shoulder. He sets All Might in a chair before surveying the room spotting everybody but Todoroki and Aizawa.

Izuku sits and watches the last exam to take place which is Aizawa and Todoroki. Todoroki opens the match immediately with a giant roofed ice maze functioning like a hall of mirrors effectively making Aizawa's quirk useless by preventing him from knowing which one is the real Todoroki.

"You're killing Aizawa from the inside out and I can't let that stand." Todoroki says coldly, barely restraining his anger.

Todoroki then seemingly appeared behind Aizawa and punches him with his right hand which is encased in an ice gauntlet before disappearing again. This is done by manipulating the ice to create and block doorways essentially in a hit and run tactic.

Todoroki first causes a bunch of fake him's by using the mirror like ice causing Aizawa to quickly run out of time for his quirk, due to overuse and the cold temperatures drying out his eyes, and then continues to beat on him with the ice gauntlet and a flaming fist until he's unconscious then proceeds to put the cuffs on Aizawa passing the exam.

Everybody came to shortly after Todoroki formed the ice maze and were surprised to see Todoroki using his fire. They were also surprised to see another of their classmates beat a pro hero solo without the hero having any kind of restraints or limiters on.

"Well, this is a shocking turn of events." Principal Nezu said slightly in shock. "Congratulations to those who passed but you are all going on the camping trip, and if you need anything you may head to the mall and get it." He says moving on. "But, to those that didn't pass you will all be taking remedial lessons with Aizawa."

Nezu and the rest of the teachers depart carrying the two unconscious ones with them and the students headed to the dorms, most of them excited for the camping trip, Kendo, Momo, and Jiro worried about Izuku.

Kendo sits beside Izuku in the dorms and pulls him into a hug knowing that while he's not showing it he's in a great amount of pain. After Kendo breaks the hug Izuku pulls out a piece of paper from his notebook and begins writing a letter to Aizawa.

Dear Mr. Aizawa:
I'm sorry that I've caused you so much pain, that was never my intention and I hope you can accept my apology. I've thought of a solution to stop your pain or at least ease it a little.

Painful Reminder

Izuku then gets up and heads into the hall with both his and Aizawa's rooms and slides the letter underneath Mr. Aizawa's door before heading to his room for the night.

The next day Izuku and the others in class 1-A head to the mall to pick up a few last minute supplies and something else.

Izuku broke off from the group to head to the costume store to pick up a special item. Izuku was waiting by the fountain when out of nowhere his neck was grabbed by somebody.

"Long time no see Aizawa, how have you been since I dusted mommy dearest and shoved a knife in your back?" Shigiraki questioned mockingly.

"You should be glad that I'm a hero student trying to be a hero instead of a villain or vigilante." Izuku threatened.

"Oh yeah, and why's that?" Shigiraki questioned confused and curious.

"Because I would've killed you by now if I was." Izuku answered emotionlessly.

Izuku had shifted his hand into the clawed hand of his regular werewolf form and said claws were directly against Shigiraki's stomach meaning that they were at a draw, or not seeing as how if anyone recognizes Shigiraki other heroes will arrive. Izuku then speaks at a high enough frequency that Shigiraki can't hear him but Jiro can by shifting his vocal cords.

"Shigiraki is here and has his hand on my throat but I have my hand shifted and at his stomach, get a pro hero here fast." Izuku asked her urgently. "I'm at the fountain near the center of the mall."

About five minutes later the class arrives at the scene and spots me and Shigiraki.

"The odds are in my favor now, surrender peacefully and you won't end up in the hospital." Izuku threatened with anger in his voice.

Izuku then spots the warp spot opening behind Shigiraki and notices his intent to take Izuku with him. Izuku then shifted into a kitten to get out of Shigiraki's grip then into a cheetah and sprinted out of Shigiraki's reach and straight to Momo, Jiro, and Kendo knowing that if he didn't they'd be very upset. He shifted back and got ready for a fight and Shigiraki, knowing he had no shot at winning, decided to retreat for now.

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