Chapter 24

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Izuku woke up the next morning when somebody went into Ryukyu's office and pulled him into a hug scaring him awake, he nearly clawed them until he saw it was Hado that did so and settled down and meowed at her. He struggled in her arms until she let him go, reluctantly so. He landed on the ground before shifting back.

"Jesus Hado, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Izuku asked while holding his chest. "You coulda killed me, or worse, gotten yourself hurt."

"How is me getting hurt worse than you dying?" Hado asked confusedly.

"That's just his state of mind, get ready were heading out to the yakuza base to arrest Overhaul and his gang." Ryukyu said coming into the office and tossing Izuku his hero costume.

Izuku got changed into his hero costume before exiting the building and shifting into his unipeg form and then signaling for both women to hop on and they did so reluctantly. He then took to the sky and flew to Sir Nighteye's agency. When he landed Ryukyu and Hado hopped off and he shifted back.

"Thank you for the ride Myth." Ryukyu said and then entered the building.

Izuku and Hado followed after her and arrived in a meeting for the gathered heroes. About halfway through the mission a dude with padlock shaped earrings spoke up.

"I'm not ok with children partaking in this mission." He said coldly.

"One of these children took out All Might in one punch." Sir Nighteye said shocking the room, all except the 1-A kids.

"Who was it that did that?" Fat Gum asked surprised.

Kirishima, Asui, and Uraraka all pointed at Izuku.

"No way a scrawny kid like that took out All Might in a single punch." The dude from before said scoffing.

"Hello, my hero name is Myth." Izuku introduced himself. "My quirk is shapeshifting, it allows me to shift into any creature I choose, be it real or mythical." Izuku explained. "I however cannot shift into another person, plant, or object."

"Oh yeah, and what creature did you shift into that could take out All Might?" The dude questioned clearly still not believing that All Might lost to a kid.

"A nine foot tall armored werewolf." Izuku answered startling the dude with how quick the response was. "That however is not the strongest for I can take, it was at the time but isn't any longer."

"No way." The gathered heroes said in disbelief.

"I intend to use this new form to deal with Overhaul." Izuku said coldly. "He is what kept my daughter from smiling and he shall pay for it." Izuku said and everybody shivered. "I won't kill him since I was told I couldn't but I am however allowed to make him feel what he made Eri feel."

"Not if you wish to be a hero you can't." The dude said.

"Did you bring the photos with you Ryukyu?" Izuku asked her and she nodded. "Can you please show them what her injuries were before I healed them?"

Ryukyu went over to the projector and put the photos up on the screen. Those in 1-A gasped in horror, except Izuku who growled in anger, while the pro heroes were all rushing to the bathrooms excluding Ryukyu and Hado. When they got back they all looked a little paler than before.

"Now do you see why I said I will make him feel her pain?" Izuku asked and all they could do was nod.

Time Skip

Izuku's POV

Sir Nighteye has been injured, Lemillion lost his quirk and Overhaul is giant while I'm enraged. Not only does he injure people on my watch he has the nerve to threaten to take my daughter away from me. I shifted my muscles and then doubled my flow of power and nailed Overhaul with a kick and sent him nearly to space before shifting into a giant green dragon and soaring after him with nothing but rage in my mind. I catch up to him and grab each of his limbs in one of mine with my claws digging in deep causing him to scream in pain. I then breathe fire directly onto his limbs until the fall off and turn to ash in my grip and watch until he regrows them with his quirk and repeat the process until he stops reforming them. I then gripped his actual body and ripped it out of the giant chunk of flesh and turn that to ash as well. He screams in pain as I'm holding him almost tight enough to crush him but not quite as I won't kill him. I then land on the ground before shifting back and he uses this opportunity to send a spike right through my stomach. I spit up blood and groan in pain before looking up at him.

Shapeshifting Hero: MythWhere stories live. Discover now