Chapter 23

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A/N: This story is nearing completion. I will be placing a few characters from this book into a different book but it will not be an anime based book. I will put in an alternative ending for those that just want the story to end here in the MHA universe.

A/N: Warning, I'm not the most emotionally attuned person when it comes to myself or others and this chapter almost made me cry.

It's been a few weeks since Izuku rescued Eri and she hasn't smiled yet. Izuku can tell she's happy, but he is extremely saddened by the fact that she can't bring herself to smile and the longer it takes for her to smile the more his anger towards Overhaul grows and festers. Kendo has noticed the hidden anger and finally decided to confront him about it.

"Izuku, can we talk in private?" Kendo asked him.

"Sure, just give me a minute." Izuku said setting Katsumi in Eri's arms and telling Eri to head over to Aunty Momo.

Izuku followed Kendo to her dorm where she sat on her bed and patted the spot beside her. Izuku did as instructed.

"What did you need?" Izuku asked her with his smile.

"You don't need to hide your emotions with me Izu." Kendo said. "Why are you so angry?"

"Because the dude that took Eri's smile from her is still out there." Izuku said. "And she knows that, that's the only thing keeping her from smiling."

"And you want to give her back her smile." Kendo finished for him. "And you will, I know you won't stop until you do."

"Thank you Itsuka." Izuku said with a genuine smile. "For everything."

"Anything for you Izu." Kendo said pulling him into a hug.

They just laid down and cuddled for about five minutes until Eri joined in with Katsumi, Izuku then wrapped all four of them up in his wings and that's how they fell asleep that night. Around bed time when Momo, Jiro, and Midnight couldn't find Izuku and his little girls, after checking almost everywhere they went to get Kendo's help but when they opened the door they spotted the most adorable sight. Izuku and Kendo all huddled up with Eri and Katsumi in between them like shields against the cruel world and Izuku's wings wrapping them all up and holding them tight. The three exited the room and shut the door quietly after they each took a couple photos. They went back down to the common room where everybody else was and everybody looked up only to see three very happy ladies. They questioned it and all they got were phones shoved in their faces.

The next morning after everybody got to the classroom, including Eri and Katsumi who were sitting on Izuku's lap, Midnight walked up to the podium and cleared her throat.

"I know you've all been told before and that you've already all signed up but this is your reminder." Midnight said catching everybody's attention. "Tonight is the school festival for parents and everybody to enjoy, those that signed up to perform are now required to, it became mandatory after you signed the form."

"Oh right, it became so hectic with another kid in the dorm we forgot about it coming up so quickly so it's a good thing we kept practicing." Kaminari said.

"And for those who's work studies are with Ryukyu, Sir Nighteye, and Fat Gum you should all leave to those agencies immediately after the festival." Midnight informed us and we knew what it meant. "I would recommend you leave right after your performance if you wish to take the train."

Time Skip to just after 1-A's performance

"Now ladies and gentlemen we have a solo performance that will hit all of your hearts hard." Present Mic announced.

Izuku walked up on stage with a guitar on his back and carrying his two little girls. The audience was very confused.

"Oh, it looks like he brought his adopted daughters with him." Present Mic said and the audience settled down.

Izuku sat Eri on the ground and handed Katsumi to her before pulling his guitar off his back and sitting down on the ground in front of them and started playing.

A/N: I changed the line, I grew up without a dad, to, I grew up without my dad

Someone to play catch with out in the backyard
To pick up the pieces of your first broken heart
Someone to say slow down when you turn sixteen
Yeah, I grew up without my dad
I'm gonna be the best one I can be

Someone to scare the monsters
When it's dark in your room
Someone to put their foot down
When you want a tattoo
And not just say I love you
But show you what it means
Yeah, I grew up without my dad
I'm gonna be the best one I can be

They say dads are supposed to shape you and in a way I guess mine did
I knew what I wouldn't do if I ever had a kid
They say history repeats itself
Well, I guess that's up to me
I grew up without my dad
I'm gonna be the best one I can be

Someone to let you fall down and teach you how to get back up
Teach you how to be sweet like mamma and how to be tough
Yeah, I'll never be perfect
But sure as those lines are pink
Yeah, I grew up without my dad
I'm gonna be the best one I can be

They say dads are supposed to shape you and in a way I guess mine did
I knew what I wouldn't do if I ever had a kid
They say history repeats itself
Well, I guess that's up to me
I grew up without my dad
I'm gonna be the best one I can be

Yeah, I can't change the past
But the past has sure changed me
I grew up without my dad
I'm gonna be the best one I can be
I said I'm gonna be a dad and
I'm gonna be the best one I can be

The best one I can be
Love you, baby girls

After Izuku finished playing Eri looked up at him with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face and Izuku pulled her into a hug along with Katsumi. The audience was in tears and it was made worse when Izuku, Eri, and Katsumi started crying as well. Kendo came up and joined the tearfest along with Momo and Jiro just as the curtains closed.

"That's all for tonight folks." Present Mic said clearly crying himself.

It took several minutes before all the tears stopped and the group got up and went backstage only to be engulfed in a big hug from all of 1-A along with Midnight. Izuku and the others that have to go left shortly after with Izuku leaving Eri and Katsumi with Momo, Jiro, and Kendo.

Izuku arrived at Ryukyu's agency at the same time as Hado and Hado pulled him into a hug before dragging him to Ryukyu's office and she entered without knocking and still dragging Izuku. What he saw was a pro heroine surrounded by tissues and with puffy eyes and a red nose.

"You're gonna be a good dad to those two little girls Myth." Ryukyu said sounding a little stuffy before getting up. "The rooms are this way, there's only two left so I'll sleep in here on the couch."

"No, did you forget that I can shapeshift?" Izuku asked. "I'll turn into a dog or cat or something and sleep on the couch comfortably."

"I can't let you do that, you're the guest." Ryukyu said.

"Not technically, on all files I'm an employee of your agency." Izuku said. "And besides, it's not like I'll get a crick in my neck or back like either of you would."

"Fine, but if you can't sleep-" Ryukyu started.

"Then I'll turn myself into a fish and join the fish in the tank in the lobby to sleep." Izuku said and Ryukyu gave up knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer.

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