Chapter 17

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It's the last day of training camp and to celebrate those that did not fail the final exam are taking part in a game of sorts. Izuku decided he'd rather not play a game about scaring seeing as he could just shift into a boggart. He instead followed Kota to his hideout.

"How are you doing Kota?" Izuku asked.

"Much better than before big brother." Kota said with a smile before realizing what he said and panicking.

"It's alright. I would actually like to be your big brother if that's what you want." Izuku said calming Kota down.

"Well, ain't that cute. It almost makes me not want to kill you." Muscular said. "Your the one Shigiraki said to kill on site in the most painful way possible. I think it'll be more painful to kill the kid in front of you like we did your mother."

This pissed off both Zuke and Izuku both at the mention of killing Kota and the realization that he was the one that held him down.

"He's the one that killed them. He's the one that killed my parents." Kota said in a panic.

"So you've made a habit of killing parents eh, then why don't I make a habit of punching you so hard your bones break." Zuke said pissed. "Your working with Shigiraki and the LOV which makes you their dog so what is it they're after Fido."

"I'm not a dog!" Muscular shouted angrily. "We're gonna win this fight rather than ending in a loss or draw. We're gonna get both that bird kid and the brainwasher."

So they're after Tokoyami and Shinso, well at least now we know their targets.

"Kota go hide in your hideout while I deal with this." Zuke ordered.

Kota ran while Zuke shifted his muscles and powered up OFA to one-hundred percent and went for a punch. He felt Muscular's bones break on impact and heard his screams of pain but knew that the fight wasn't over yet, especially when he looked back and saw the rush of muscle mass aimed right for him. Zuke dodged the first go round. but knew that he couldn't dodge the second so he met it head on and they were at a stalemate. Zuke knew that if they kept going he'd eventually win but if this was a full assault then others will need his help so he has to increase his power. He shifts into the rock golem form giving his body more room giving him access to both a bigger and faster flow of power. He then punched Muscular straight into the mountain knocking him out cold and Kota came out of hiding and spotted Muscular in the side of the mountain and the golem he knew to be Zuke standing victoriously.

Izuku then took back control and shifted into the gryphon form and using the talons on his front feet to grab muscular out of the side of the mountain before lowering enough that Kota could get on his back. As soon as Kota was on his back he took to the sky as fast as he could with Muscular in his talons. He soon found The Wild Wild Pussycats and Eraserhead in a clearing and landed directly on top of Magna who was about to charge at the downed Tiger while Spinner was keeping the other four heroes at bay. They took down Spinner before heading over to Izuku and Kota. Izuku shifted back before turning to the heroes.

"This idiot was so sure of his victory that he spilled their targets." Izuku said pointing at Muscular before heading over to Tiger and helping him up. "They have two goals with an if the opportunity presents itself kind of thing."

"Well, what are they after Aizawa?" Eraserhead demanded.

"Two capture target and the opportunistic target is a kill one." Izuku continued. "They're trying to capture Tokoyami and Shinso, Sir."

"And the kill target?" Mandalay asked worried.

"Me." Izuku said simply. "I'll be heading out and picking up other students."

Izuku took off with the heroes screaming at him to come back, that he was in more danger than them. Izuku continued on his path and shifted into a black jaguar and found Uraraka and Tsu being attacked by Toga who he quickly stopped by pouncing on her knocking her head on the ground knocking her out. Uraraka and Asui, knowing it was Izuku, thanked him before running off towards the camp and Izuku continued on his way. He found Momo and Jiro being attacked by a Nomu so he shifted into his werewolf form and picked up the Nomu and chucking it into the mountain spotting the tracker on it otherwise he would have killed it.

"Momo, can you make a few items for me along with a megaphone?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, here you go." Momo said after creating the items.

The items consisted of several gas masks and several shields. Izuku had spotted Mustard and Moonfish on his way the drop off Kota and Muscular.

"Students of 1-A and 1-B gather in this direction so we have the advantage of numbers!" Izuku shouted. "I repeat gather in this direction so we have the advantage of numbers!"

The students heard Izuku's voice and started sprinting in his direction. It didn't take long before everybody arrived.

"Where's Tokoyami, Shinso, and Monoma?" Izuku asked not seeing them.

"They were right behind us." Kirishima and Tetsutetsu said in sync.

"I can answer that question for you." Compress said entering the clearing. "I have them right here. I've actually had them for a while but when I heard you shout for your classmates I knew you were gonna put on a show and I just had to see it for myself." He said showing three marbles.

What Compress didn't expect was for Izuku to suddenly appear in front of him and punch him in the gut and trying to snag the marbles out of the air. Out of nowhere Dabi appeared and snagged one of them before they backed into the appearing warp behind them. Compress released his quirk revealing who got who. Izuku had Tokoyami and Monoma while Dabi was holding Shinso by the back of his neck. Izuku tried to lunge forward but the warp closed too fast.

After realizing that he failed to save Shinso, Izuku collapsed to his knees and screamed out at the world with all he had until he lost his voice and even then you could see him mouthing curses. At either the world or himself nobody could tell. Class 1-A, class 1-B, and the heroes all looked on in pity, sympathy, and guilt.

"I'm a failure. I failed to save somebody right in front of me again." Izuku whispered out barely audible but due to the silence surrounding them everybody heard it.

Izuku proceeded to stand up and started waving everybody back towards the camp and they listened, even the usually challenging Monoma. Kendo, Momo, and Jiro stayed behind knowing that Izuku would break at any moment, and he did as soon as the others were out of sight and inside the building. They went ahead and huddled around him in a group hug, comforting the distraught boy.

A/N: I know that the dialogue is different from the rest of my story and I will be updating the other chapters and switching the dialogue format.

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