Chapter 5

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It's been a week since the incident and Izuku was finally cleared to return to class, though his back was still bothering him. When he opened the door everybody shut up and rushed to their seats expecting it to be Aizawa.

"Izuku are you sure you're healed up enough to return to class?" Momo asked worriedly.

"I-I-I'm fine Momo." Izuku stuttered nervously

Izuku the took his seat hearing someone talking about him.

"So he's the kid that you all were worried about?" Shinso asked for clarification, unsure if his assumption was correct.

"Yeah, he took the blast to protect Yaomomo and Iida." Hagakure said in a 'hushed' whisper  in the dead silent room.

Izuku was distracted from listening in by Momo.

"Have you heard either the class news or the news about Bakugo?" Momo asked.

Izuku: What news?" Izuku asked curiously as he hadn't heard anything about him since he's been in the infirmary.

"Well, you were elected class rep but Aizawa knowing you don't want that kind of pressure passed it along to me, as I was voted vice rep, and you are vice rep." Momo relayed. "And the case about Bakugo, he was found guilty but the transport never made it to the prison."

"Well he can't evade the pro's for forever." Izuku said trying to convince himself more than Momo.

Just then Aizawa waked in gathering everyone's attention.

"Glad to see you're finally out of Recovery Girl's office. Your mom has been worried sick."

Shinso: What do you mean his mom?

"Oh right you haven't been introduced yet. Hitoshi Shinso that is Izuku Aizawa, my step/adopted son. Izuku that is Shinso, he was brought up from Gen. Ed. to replace Bakugo." Aizawa introduced. "Now since Izuku has been cleared we can finally continue with hero training, so today we are heading to the USJ."

A bunch of people started cheering. Aizawa expecting this was already cancelling Izuku's quirk as he didn't want another fish on land situation.

"I didn't think that everybody would get this excited over the Unforeseen Simulation Joint." Izuku said surprised and a bit startled from the sudden outburst from the class.

"The what now?" Ashido asked very confused.

"Don't spoil it, but he is right we're not going to Universal Studios Japan, we are going to a different USJ." Aizawa said numbly. "You can go either in your P.E. uniform or your hero costume, now keep in mind that you are still not used to your costumes, or they hold bad memories for yourself or others, so they might hamper your, or other's, performance."

"But isn't that the point, to use our costumes in training, to find out how to improve them so they won't hinder our abilities?" Izuku said confused.

"Stop spoiling the tests Problem child." Aizawa said a bit upset but not letting any indication slip into his eyes or voice.

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa." Izuku said quieting down.

"Now head to the bus after you change, if you're not there in 5 minutes I'm leaving without you." Aizawa ordered before leaving the room.

(On the bus now.)

"Hey Aizawa?" Asui  said getting everybody's attention on her, not that it really bothered her much.

"Which one?" Izuku & Aizawa responded in sync.

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa I meant Izuku." Asui clarified.

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