Chapter 6

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Izuku just woke up in recovery girls office groaning alerting her of his consciousness.

"Easy there boy you had some nasty bruising on you let me make sure you're all healed." Recovery Girl warned.

Izuku complied with Recovery Girl as she did the check-up before she gave him the all clear.

"By the way be a dear and wake her up before you go, would you?" Recovery Girl said pointing to the girl sitting in the chair beside the bed, head laying on it sleeping.

"Of course ma'am." Izuku says politely. "Thank you for treating me."

" Such manners." Recovery Girl comments. "You're very welcome."

"Momo, it's time to wake up." Izuku says gently shaking her shoulder.

Momo groaned and sat up rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it Izu... IZU!" Momo shouts.

"Ow that was my ear, and I don't know I just woke up." Izuku answered rubbing his ear gently to ease the ringing. "How long have I been out?"

"Just a few hours." Momo said settling herself down.

"Thank god. Wait... Is everybody ok?" Izuku asked slightly panicked.

"Yeah, you and Mr. Aizawa were the only injuries though the only injuries he suffered was a broken arm and some bruising." Momo answered.

"Thank god, the last thing I remember is getting distracted and failing." Izuku says sadly.

Momo then slapped him upside the head quite hard.

"You didn't fail you were willing to die to save us!" Momo shouted angrily. "Even unconscious you got back up and shifted back into that golem and stood in front of us!" Izuku was starting to shake a bit. "So don't you ever say you failed or you'll get worse then a slap to the head!"

Izuku was shaking in fear and crying because of both the slap and yelling.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." Izuku said instinctively.

"Oh Izu, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get so aggressive." Momo said coming back to her senses. "I just meant that you didn't fail even after you got hurt. Come here."

Momo then pulled Izuku into a hug to reassure him that she wasn't gonna hurt him.

"Thank you." Izuku said quietly.

"What for?" Momo asked very confused.

"Both." Izuku answered vaguely.

"Anytime, for the hug." Momo said still hugging Izuku. "I don't wanna have to keep telling you that you didn't fail."

"Alright you two love birds get outta here." Recovery Girl said startling them and causing them to jump apart.

"Sorry ma'am but we're just friends." Momo said hoping Izuku didn't feel that way about her.

"Oh, my apologies." Recovery Girl said politely. "But still, you both got families to get back to so get going."

"Yes ma'am." Momo said already getting up and pulling Izuku with her.

With that Momo and Izuku both took their leave heading their separate ways after exiting the school.

When Izuku arrived home it was much quieter than it should have been which set him on alert.

"Mom, are you home?" Izuku asked cautiously.

"Yes sweetie I'm just in the living room watching TV. Are you ok, I saw what happened at the USJ." Inko said sounding very out of character, if she'd seen it she would rush him unless something was stopping her.

Izuku walked into the living room to talk with his mom. But as soon as he entered he was pinned to the ground by a big muscular blond man, not Bakugo.

"You said you wouldn't hurt him if I complied." Inko said worriedly, looking between Shigiraki and Izuku.

"He isn't hurt, yet." Shigiraki says with an implied threat. "Now, Izuku was it, you're a real pain for me so I'm gonna remove you from the game. I know it's cheating, but so is having two final bosses instead of one so I thought I'd do the game a favor and remove the bug. But first lets have some fun."

With that Shigiraki started slowly decaying Inko while the man holding Izuku forced him to watch. Izuku kept struggling to get free to help her to no avail. Something in Izuku snapped and he shifted into his werewolf form and sent the villains fleeing. But it was too late, her injuries were too severe, even Recovery Girl wouldn't be able to save her. Izuku shifted back to human form running to his mothers side.

"I love you Izuku. I'm sorry I failed you as a mother." Inko said already knowing she can't be saved.

"You didn't fail, you were the best mom I could ever ask for." Izuku said causing Inko to smile. "I'm sorry I failed you as a son, I should have been able to protect you but I failed."

Shigiraki and Kurogiri came back while he was distracted and Shigiraki drove a knife into Izuku's back. At that exact moment in time Aizawa got home after finishing paperwork with one arm.

"Izuku! Inko!" Aizawa shouted desperately.

Izuku passed out to blood loss and grief, Aizawa picked him up spotting the dying Inko beside him.

"It's too late to save me so please save our boy." Inko begged.

"I will and I swear I'll protect him to the best of my ability." Aizawa said quietly.

"I know yo-" Inko started but death caught her before she could finish.

Aizawa while crying ran Izuku back to Recovery Girl's office before heading to Nezu's office.

"I'm gonna kill him." Aizawa said upon entering without knocking.

"Didn't you forget something?" Nezu said angry at the lack of manners and respect. "And who are you gonna kill exactly?"

"No I did not, and I'm gonna kill Shigiraki." Aizawa ranted angrily.

"What did he do?" Nezu asked concerned.

"He killed Inko and possibly Izuku too." Aizawa said, anger clear in his voice.

"What do you mean possibly?" Nezu asked a bit confused.

"I mean he might not survive the knife that was jammed into his back." Aizawa ranted pacing back and forth.

"In that case you have my permission to kill Shigiraki at the earliest convenience without worrying about the consequences." Nezu said feeling an urge for vengeance.

"Thank you, sorry for not knocking." Aizawa said calming down knowing he had permission to get revenge.

"No matter, this is much more important than manners." Nezu said wistfully.

Aizawa then went into his office and away from any prying eyes before starting to bawl his eyes out for the woman he had loved for a decade.

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