Chapter 20

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"Alright class." Midnight said drawing everybody's attention to her. "The provisional licensing exam is coming up shortly and usually you wouldn't participate until your second year but do to recurring and recent events Nezu has said to let you participate in the exam this year."

Everybody started to celebrate until they heard someone clear their throat in the back of the class. They turned and spotted Izuku holding a sleeping Katsumi which caused all the girls to awe at the sight.

"Sorry." Kaminari said for the whole class.

Izuku nodded his head before everybody turned their attention to the front of the class all quietly celebrating.

"Now, before that time you need super moves, something that will tell the people that you've won the fight and give them their hope back." Midnight said. "You need at least one if not more."

"Doesn't Aizawa already have one?" Ashido asked getting confused looks from everybody. "You know, that armored werewolf form?"

"Technically that does count." Midnight pondered. "Though it still needs a name, unless he has one."

"Sorry, I haven't thought that far ahead." Izuku answered bashfully. "What about Momo's dual cannons or Jiro's ground breaking move?"

"Yes, both of those count as super moves so do either of you have names for them?" Midnight asked and received shakes of the head from both. "Well, for the rest of you we're heading to gym gamma so that way you can work on your moves and train."

Everybody got up and followed Midnight to gym gamma where Cementoss was busy setting up areas for them to train and waiting for anyone that would need a specification. As soon as they arrived everybody split off doing what they felt they needed to do to improve and get better. Meanwhile Izuku's focusing on trying to get better control over the flow of OFA until he finally does, down to the smallest portion of power flow, meaning he can control the speed of power flow along with percentage which also means that he can effectively double his power by increasing the flow speed. He powers up fifty percent and the ground underneath his feet cracks loudly drawing everybody's attention to him but he ignores them and then goes about increasing the speed of the flow to double and he ends up standing in a crater and everybody gasps in shock before he goes to move and he's gone. The next thing they hear is a crash and he's halfway through a hole in the wall to the outside.

"That hurt." Izuku said rubbing my head ignoring the position he's in. "I guess that works though."

"What happened, are you alright?" Kendo asked worriedly while Momo and Jiro kept searching for injuries.

"I'm fine, just pulled a stupid move." Izuku said waving everybody off. "I decided to attempt to double my flow of power in the muscle shifted form instead of doing a slow increase." He explained. "I'm not injured or anything so you don't need to worry."

"Baka!" Jiro yelled storming off.

"I'll go after her to help her cool off." Momo said following her.

"I'm sorry." Izuku said sadly not wanting to worry her and feeling bad that he did.

Slowly everybody but Jiro and Momo went back to training after nobody could find them and didn't want to check the soundproof rooms. Izuku also went back to training but decided to be smart about it this time.

This is how the next few days went, he soon mastered it before asking Cementoss for an isolated area to try something. Izuku refused to tell anybody about it and didn't answer any questions about it except for the fact that he was doing it safely.

It's time for the licensing exam and Izuku and the others are planning for all sorts of situations. The main thing is that everybody has agreed to stick together and help each other. Soon enough they exit the bus and Izuku handed Katsumi to Midnight and soon enough another group of students showed up and one of them interrupted the cheer that Class 1-A was using to psyche themselves up.

"Aunt Emi?" Izuku asked seeing an orange bandana and light green hair.

"Izuku?" She asked unsure. "What happened, where's Eraserhead?" Ms. Joke asked seeing the buried sadness in Izuku's eyes.

"Alot." Izuku answered vaguely. "I'll tell you about it after the exam."

Ms. Joke hugged Izuku before everybody went their separate ways. As soon as everybody was inside they were handed three sensors to place somewhere on their bodies. After that the rules were explained it was time for the first event.

Class 1-A was walking along when they were attacked by a group of ten or twelve but Izuku shifted into his necromancer form and summoned skeletons to protect everybody.

"Pin them but don't hurt them!" Izuku ordered the skeletons and it was done quickly and efficiently. "Alright, those with non-offensive quirks tag now, those with ensure none of them break free and get one of our classmates!"

"Yes class rep!" The class responded.

After that only the non-offensive had passed leaving the rest to work but they decided to split off from Izuku as a way to prove to him that they can handle themselves and don't need to be protected.

"I'll see you after you pass the event." Izuku said with a bright smile receiving several bright smiles in return. "Good luck, not that you'll need it."

As soon as they split up Izuku went into the sky to watch after them without their knowledge.

"What's Izuku doing?" Ms. Joke asked from beside Midnight. "And I didn't know you had a kid."

"Izuku is doing what he does best." Midnight responds, confusing Ms. Joke. "Protecting the class."

"I met Izuku before the UA entrance exams, he had so much life in his eyes while he was training." Ms. Joke commented. "What happened to kill most of it?"

"Alot." Midnight answered sadly. "This here is Katsumi, Izuku unofficially adopted her and more than likely as soon as he can he will make it official."

"What happened to him?" Ms. Joke asked more directly.

"He said he'll tell you after the exam." Midnight responded not wanting to talk about it. "Now, say hi to your great niece Aunt Emi."

Midnight passed Katsumi over to Ms. Joke who relented and started cooing at Katsumi, much to Katsumi's delight.

They watched as Izuku kept an eye on his classmates until the last one had pass then Izuku swooped down out of the sky and got another participant out before flying to the rest area for those that had passed.

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