Chapter 9

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It's time for the final event and Izuku is up first. His opponent is Hitoshi Shinso, he's walking to the arena at the same time as the boy with purple hair that is his newest classmate.

"Ready... Fight!" Midnight announced.

"You have an amazing quirk." Shinso said tauntingly. "You'll easily make it in the hero society."

"The quirk doesn't make to hero, the heart makes the hero." Izuku said not just to him but everybody so his quirk wouldn't work on me just yet at least.

"Do you truly believe that?" Shinso asked in shock.

"Ye-" Izuku went to answer thinking he was too in shock to use his quirk.

Shinso used his quirk on Izuku effectively putting him to sleep and awakening someone else.

"You've screwed up now." The mystery person said threateningly.

"Huh, why aren't you under my control?" Shinso questioned himself shocked once again.

"You shouldn't've awoken me." The mystery person in Izuku's body taunted. "By the way the name's Zuke, I'm his split personality caused by seeing his mother tortured to death while he was pinned down." Zuke explained emotionlessly. "Now you have a choice you can use your quirk on me and awaken Izuku and fight him or you can fight me, your only other option is to forfeit seeing as you've never trained your body a day in your life."

"I'll fight because a hero never gives up no matter the odds." Shinso responded determinedly.

"Good choice now lets fight." Zuke said excitedly.

Shinso charged in fast hoping to get the jump on Zuke, though that might not be possible. Zuke grabbed his wrist and spun him making him land in the middle of the arena.

"Lesson one, never charge your opponent blindly and without caution." Zuke said out of the blue, confusing Shinso. "Lesson two, never lower your guard while your enemy is conscious." Shinso was rewarded with a kick to his ribs for doing so. "Lesson three, pick your battles wisely, you never know what battle might be your last."

With that Zuke slipped through Shinso's guard and gave a swift chop to the neck knocking him out.

"AND THE WINNER IS IZUKU!" Present Mic screamed in excitement.

Izuku, unsure of anything that happened walked out in a daze. When he arrived at the stands everybody noticed that he was still in a daze.

"Izuku, are you ok?" Yaoyorozu asked concerned.

"Yes, no, I don't know, I don't remember the match, it's like I was asleep." Izuku answered honestly.

"We'll get that checked out after the sports festival is over. As for the match all you did was give him a lesson on how to fight before knocking him out." Yaoyorozu explained to a grateful Izuku.

"Essentially you just showed the world you don't need a quirk to be a hero by beating Shinso without using your quirk." Jiro boiled it down while adding another layer to it.

"That's good, right?" Izuku asked unsure.

"I think so." Yaoyorozu answered thoughtfully.

"I'm gonna take a nap, goodnight." Izuku said yawning and sitting in his seat.

Izuku fell asleep so Momo pulled his head over onto her lap while Jiro put his legs across her lap.

About 20 minutes later it was time for Momo and Jiro's match, girlfriend against girlfriend. In the end Momo came out on top and it was time for Izuku's match against Todoroki.

"Ready... Fight!" Midnight announced.

Todoroki started the match trying to end it like he did with Sero but luck was not in his favor. Izuku shifted into an Ice elemental and phased right through the ice while controlling it so it didn't even get close to the audience. Izuku then spoke in a voice that reminisced with the wind rolling over hills of snow.

"That's not gonna work on me." Izuku warned.

Todoroki ignored Izuku and kept trying but was getting slower and slower and you could see the frostbite creeping over his skin. Eventually he couldn't move any longer, the audience was in awe of Izuku. He protected them from both the ice and the cold without sustaining any damage himself.

"The match is over, Izuku wins, somebody hurry get him to Recovery Girl!" Midnight shouted worriedly.

"No need, besides, despite her incredible ability she wouldn't be able to help him." Izuku said confusing and scaring everyone at the prospect of a kid dying in the sports festival.

Izuku the shifted forms again but this time into a flaming bird known as a phoenix. Izuku the flew down to Todoroki and shed a single tear onto him healing him of his frostbite and his burn scar. Rei, who was watching from her room in the hospital, watched the scar she put on her baby vanish with tears of joy. The audience was in shock at just how powerful this boy is. The medical bots came and collected Todoroki before Izuku left for the stadium even if only for a brief intermission before his match against Momo.

"Ready... Fight!" Midnight announced.

"I won't fight you Momo, I couldn't bare it if I ever brought you pain." Izuku said tearing up at just the thought of that happening.

"And if you actually did fight me I wouldn't stand a chance, I forfeit." Yaoyorozu said before Izuku could forfeit.

"Yaoyorozu Momo has forfeited the match, Izuku Aizawa is the winner of this years festival, and he did so indisputably!" Midnight shouted excitedly. "He was first place in all events, folks we have ourselves somebody who has done something not even All Might could do and he did it as a first year."

The audience cheered so loudly that Bakugo heard it from where he was hiding from the cops that are looking for him. Shigiraki was furious seeing that the one kid he actually really wanted dead survived and seemed to be even stronger than before.

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