Chapter 11

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They are at the train station waiting to head to their destinations.

"What hero did you pick Izuku?" Yaoyorozu asked curiously.

"I picked Copy Nin." Izuku answered, a slight hint of nervousness in his voice that went unnoticed.

"I've never heard of him." Yaoyorozu said thoughtfully, trying to recall if she's ever heard of that hero or not.

"He's an underground hero like Eraserhead, He is specially skilled in martial arts and stealth, so far advanced that known masters don't stand a chance against him even when he sticks to one form or style." Izuku explained in awe, slightly fanboying.

"You said he?" Yaoyorozu asked worriedly.

"Yes, I've decided to multitask during the internship." Izuku explained. "While I improve my stealth and fighting skills I will also be working on overcoming my fear."

"Smart, although you could do that here as well." Yaoyorozu suggested.

"I could, but I'd rather not use my classmates like that, I want them to trust me and not think I have an ulterior motive." Izuku said with a bright smile as he spotted the train arriving. "The train is here so it's time to go, see you all next week!"

Everybody was surprised at him speaking up and to everybody except Kendo and Shinso who hadn't realized that he never talked louder than an inside voice and never talked to the guys even when addressing the whole group.

"Why do you guys look so surprised?" Shinso questioned confused.

"Izuku has never said anything to us guys, ever." Kirishima said, still in shock.

"He's spoken to me before." Shinso said plainly.

"Was that Izuku or Zuke?" Yaoyorozu asked bluntly.

"It was more than likely Zuke." Shinso admitted.

"There's your answer, now we'd better get on our trains before they leave without us." Jiro said while snagging Yaoyorozu's arm and hopping onto their train.

Everybody scrambled to their trains before they could leave and headed to their internships. Izuku arrived at the Copy Nin's home nearly twenty minutes later, about five minutes before he was scheduled to. He spent said five minutes psyching himself up before knocking on the door. The Copy Nin opened the door seeing as how he's been aware of Izuku's arrival since he got there, he has also been informed of Izuku's situation by Nezu. Including his fear of the male gender and the split personality. He can see the fear in Izuku's eyes but it's not on his face so he knows Izuku is reigning it in.

"Good, you know how to control your emotions." Kakashi said moving aside to let Izuku in. "Now I know what I think you need, but the question is what do you think you need?"

"I need to work on my martial arts skills and stealth, my control of my quirk is something I've been working on since I was four." Izuku answered honestly.

"With your quirk why do you wish to learn martial arts and stealth?" Kakashi questioned curiously.

"So that I can be helpful no matter the situation and can get the best outcome possible every time, I know that I can't always rely on my quirk to solve the situation." Izuku answered honestly.

"Smart, follow me to the training room so that we can get started." Kakashi instructed already leading the way.

That's what Izuku did over the week. He worked on all four. He trained in multiple fighting styles and stealth, he slowly started overcoming his fear. He also was able to communicate with any of the past users of OFA so long as they wished to communicate with him so Nana Shimura has been training him with that as well. The first thing she taught him was how to spread it out throughout his body and lowering the percentage, the next thing was keeping the lightning inside so that he could say that he was just shifting his muscles to get the extra boost in speed and strength.

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