Chapter 18

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Izuku woke up shortly before the first responders arrived and couldn't find his mask. The first vehicle to arrive was an ambulance which he put Momo and Jiro in, Momo on the gurney seeing as she had a broken arm and a possible concussion. The ambulance left as soon as both Momo and Jiro were loaded onto it and soon pro heroes arrived to search the premises for any stragglers. A total of three villains were captured that day and two students especially were forever grateful to Izuku. The captured villains were Mustard, Moonfish, and Muscular. Soon after everybody arrived out front a bus pulled up to take the students back to UA. Izuku had come up with an idea on the bus ride back to UA, he decided to head to the Bakugo residence to visit his family seeing as Mr. Aizawa no longer wanted anything to do with him. He was also going to ask if he could become a Bakugo in name at least.

Anyways, as soon as they arrived back at campus Izuku left towards the Bakugo residence to do as he was planning. It didn't take long to get there but something was wrong and Izuku could feel it. He charged up OFA before slowly entering. He heard Mitsuki Bakugo scream so he rushed only to see as Katsuki literally exploded her head. He also spotted what looked to be the remains of an exploded Masaru. He charged Katsuki nailing him with a gut punch. The punch sent Katsuki flying through the wall and onto the street which was filled with onlookers as they had heard Mitsuki's scream. They watched as a feral looking Katsuki flew out the wall and Izuku climbed out of it.

"You killed Aunty Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru! Why?" Izuku screamed at Katsuki.

"Because the bitch deserved it and so did that old man! Next I'm gonna get the bitch they replaced me with!" Katsuki screamed back not noticing the news crew or the audience.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt Katsumi even if it costs my life!" Izuku vowed.

Katsuki charged at him using his explosions to propel himself even faster but not fast enough as Izuku leaned to the side dodging the explosions and the punch. Izuku sent his fist forward while lowering the percentage of OFA so that he only flew a normal distance. The fight went on for several minutes before Izuku spotted several pro heroes arriving. Among them was Endeavor and Hawks who rushed forward and knocked Katsuki out of the air before landing in front of Izuku.

"Nice job holding him off kid. What's your quirk?" Hawks asked.

"It's shapeshifting, sir." Izuku responded.

"But you stayed in your human form, does that mean you've been fending of this kid without your quirk this entire time?" Hawks asked surprised.

"I didn't have permission to use it so I didn't. He killed the owners of the house, my Aunt and Uncle. His next target was my little cousin. I'm gonna go find her, please whatever you do don't let him escape for what he's done." Izuku begged.

"You got it kid. Now go get your cousin. You're more than likely the next of kin so you'll be taking care of her. If the system tries to take her send them to me. You've shown that you're more than capable of taking care of her by fending off the attacker while following the law, and based on your uniform you go to UA." Hawks said waving the kid inside.

Izuku rushed into the building shortly after Endeavor arrived and knew he had to be extremely fast because of the reckless way Endeavor fights. Izuku first checked the living room where the bodies were but couldn't find her then checked the surrounding rooms with still no sign of her. He then went to the nursery and still found no signs, the next room he checked was the master bedroom with still no signs leaving only one room left. Katsuki's old room.

He entered the room and it looked like a shrine built to him but if you looked closer it was more focused towards the three year old Katsuki. They seemed to have built it for the old Katsuki, the one who was nice, the one who was friends with everybody before he got his quirk. Izuku searched everywhere he could think and couldn't find her. He soon smelled smoke and heard the screaming of the civilians but it didn't deter him. He searched under the bed and even in the dresser when he remembered the secret compartment that was built into the closet in the master bedroom. He rushed out of Katsuki's old room and spotted the flames on the stairs leading to the first floor but ignored that knowing exactly where Katsumi is. He went into the room and rather than take the time to open the compartment door simply gripped it and ripped it off revealing the crying Katsumi who looked terrified. As soon as she spotted Izuku she reached her arms out to him and he picked her up and she clung to him like her life depended on it. He soon heard Endeavor scream in rage and pain. He knew that something went wrong, he also knew that he couldn't leave through any of the exits seeing as he couldn't get to the first floor with the stairs on fire. He maneuvered his way to the bedroom window facing the street and looked out spotting the enraged Endeavor with an injury over his right eye that looked like an explosion wound. He also spotted the fact that Hawks had no feathers due to him trying to protect the house to no avail. Izuku opened the window before shouting to Hawks.

"Am I allowed to use my quirk?" Izuku asked.

"Yes kid, do it or you won't survive!" Hawks shouted.

As soon as the yes left Hawks' mouth Izuku backed up a little bit and sprouted his black pegasus wings before wrapping them around himself and Katsumi and leaped through the open but to small window breaking it and a little bit of the wall before opening his wings and slowly lowering to the ground safely. The civilians looked in awe of Izuku as he slowly descended. Hawks smiled at seeing both kids safe despite the raging housefire behind them. A little bit of soot and ash was on Izuku but neither were on Katsumi. Endeavor hopped in the ambulance that arrived while the police took Izuku's statement.

"What happened here?" The officer asked.

"I was stopping by to visit after the villain attack at the training camp when I felt something was wrong so I entered carefully and heard my Aunt scream so I rushed in only to get there in time to see Katsuki explode her head, killing her. I also spotted the remains of what I think is my Uncle's body. I accidentally activated my quirk and shifted my muscles before punching him and causing him to fly out of the house through the wall where I proceeded to exit to keep him busy so he couldn't find Katsumi." Izuku relayed to the officer. "After the first punch I turned my quirk off, I didn't mean to break any laws, officer."

"Even if you had used your quirk you wouldn't have broken any laws kid, you're fine." The officer said. "You should probably head back to UA since officers are on their way there to question everybody about the training camp incident."

"Thank you officer, bye." Izuku said rushing back to UA holding Katsumi.

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