Chapter 19

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A/N: It's not edited so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Thank you.

Izuku arrived back at UA before the police arrived and headed to his dorm room. Nobody was around because they were in their dorms sleeping off the adrenaline fueled nightmare that happened last night. Not long after he got to his dorm and laid the sleeping Katsumi down on his bed Mr. Aizawa arrived and called everybody out to the common room. Izuku came but stayed in the background.

"Alright, the police are here to question you about what you saw and heard last night so be on your best behavior." Mr. Aizawa says.

Mr. Aizawa walked off talking about money leaving the students to wait on the police to call them so Izuku went up and grabbed Katsumi who had woken up and started crying so he soothed her cries before heading back down when he was called. He got confused looks from everybody when they spotted him with a baby.

"Zuzu, what's with the baby?" Kendo asked.

"Meet the last Bakugo. I left earlier today to go visit my family only to get there just as Katsuki or villain known as Ground Zero killed my aunt Mitsuki and I fended him off long enough for pro heroes to arrive then I went back in the house to find her. By the time I found her Endeavor had already lit the house on fire so I had to jump out of the second story window after getting permission to use my quirk." Izuku explained. "I'm the baby's godfather. That means it's up to me to take care of her."

"What's her name?" Mina asked.

"Katsumi." Izuku stated. "Now, if you'll excuse me I've got to talk with the officers before heading out to buy the necessary stuff for Katsumi."

"I'll go with you as soon as your done." Kendo said.

Izuku gave the police all the information he had before both he and Kendo went to the store to pick up the baby stuff.

As Izuku and Kendo were going around the store with Izuku pushing Katsumi around in a newly bought baby stroller many people stared at them but they just ignored the stares and continued on with their day. A few people complimented them on having such a cute baby and they just smiled and waved not really denying it or admitting it. They were recognized from the sports festival and received several congratulations on that as well as people asking for autographs and they obliged. It took them a while to get everything he needed along with making sure they didn't forget anything but they knew that if push came to shove that Momo would be able to help, after she got out of the hospital, which is where they're headed after they drop the stuff off at the dorms.

They were the last two to arrive and Momo was surprised by the baby in Izuku's arms. After Izuku explained everything Momo and Jiro scolded him making him look like a kicked puppy. After they were done scolding him Kirishima came up with the idea to save Shinso. In the end the group that was going despite everyone else's protests was Momo, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Iida. Izuku decided to stay back because he had to take care of Katsumi.

Everyone, except the ones who went on the rescue mission, was in the common room worrying about Shinso and the group when the show that was playing on the TV with nobody watching was interrupted by a special alert. It showed All Might fighting a villain but holding back and they didn't know why until the camera panned over to the group of injured hero students and the still moving Momo. Jiro cried out for Momo and the others also cried out for their classmates. In the commotion nobody but Kendo noticed Izuku leave, the only reason she knew is because he handed Katsumi to her. He had noticed that Momo was tying herself and the others together in a group and recognized why, she was waiting for him to save her like he always does.

Izuku was spotted by Midnight who was coming to keep an eye on Class 1-A to keep anybody else from heading on a rescue mission but she wasn't fast enough to stop him. He shifted into his gryphon form and took off quickly in the direction of Kamino ward. While flying the only thought going through Izuku's head was, gotta go faster, and he subconsciously activated OFA at full power and flew much faster than the eye can see. Withing thirty seconds he was in Kamino ward and Momo held up a loop in the rope that he snagged on the way and out of nowhere they were gone from the screen in the common room.

"Where did they go?" Jiro asked worried.

"You don't need to worry, Izuku got them out of there." Kendo said calmly. "He'll be back momentarily."

Moments after she said that they all heard the flap of wings and they all rushed outside despite Midnight's protest. When they got outside they saw the group of injured students being gently set down before Izuku shifted forms again this time into his phoenix form to heal them all. As soon as he was done he shifted back into his human form and untied the ropes from around them. Out of nowhere Kirishima punched him in the face and Izuku did nothing in retaliation.

"I asked you to come with us and you said no, we coulda died and it would have been your fault!" He screamed at Izuku.

"He told you not to go because it was too dangerous, the moment he saw that you guys were in danger he was out of the building and heading your way!" Kendo and Jiro screamed at Kirishima.

"Well if he's scared of danger then he chose the wrong career path." A voice said from behind them. "Aizawa you have a week of house arrest and you have to do all the chores, and after house arrest is up you have three weeks of detention. Dismissed."

Everybody just stared at Aizawa dumbfounded at the fact that Izuku was the only one getting punished when he was the one who broke the least amount of rules of the group.

"Yes sir." Izuku responded with seemingly no emotion to him.

Out of nowhere a slap is heard and everybody looked to see a pissed off Midnight in front of Aizawa and Aizawa with a red hand mark on his face.

"Overruled." Nezu said on top of Cementoss' shoulder. "Aizawa you are suspended from teaching and hero work until you have properly grieved Mrs. Aizawa's death."

Aizawa stomped off leaving UA grounds and everyone turned to look at Izuku to find him gone. They would have freaked out but they also noticed that Kendo, Momo, and Jiro were also gone. It seemed that no matter how much he was hurting he wouldn't show it to them yet those three were the only ones that he did show his pain to.

"Kirishima, you have one day of detention for assaulting a fellow classmate." Nezu says before the teachers took their leave except Midnight.

"I'll be replacing Aizawa as your homeroom teacher." Midnight announced. "I'll see everyone in class tomorrow."

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