Chapter 15

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They were eating, well everyone but Izuku who was waiting for Mr. Aizawa to either leave or actually go to sleep, when the kid from before walked off so Izuku grabbed his plate plus an extra for the kid and followed him all the way to the mountain.

"You know, if you don't eat the Wild Wild Pussycats will get worried." Izuku said accidentally startling the kid.

"How did you find this place?!" Kota asked still a bit uneasy.

"I followed you to give you some food, I've noticed that you hold a hatred towards us but I don't understand it." Izuku said curiously. "You don't have to tell me but I'll tell you my story first, then you can decide whether or not you want to tell yours."

Kota nodded his head before grabbing the extra plate from Izuku who then removed his mask.

"I was constantly attacked starting as soon as I turned four by a kid who was treated like a god by the male teachers and male students, this continued on until UA but soon after the start of UA, he took things far enough for the faculty to launch a full investigation into him and his past where they were able to dig up security footage dating back to when we were four years old that showed his true colors." Izuku explained, sparing much detail since he's talking to a kid who doesn't need to hear about the true darkness of others even though he's already experienced it himself. "He was then expelled and was being sent to prison but the transport never arrived, then after the USJ incident where villains snuck onto UA campus and attacked the class and the villains lost so the boss retreated only to later stop by my house to kill my mom right in front of me."

Kota looked to be in tears at this point but motioned for Izuku to continue.

"Ever since then my Step-Dad won't look at me and doesn't acknowledge my existence unless forced to and even then it's not more than one sentence before I'm back in non-existence land." Izuku continued explaining. "He told another teacher that even looking at me was like I was driving a knife right into his heart, that's why I have the mask." Kota was crying at this point. "The reason I'm not giving up is the fact that I don't want anybody else to experience what I am or have."

"How do you have the strength for your goal after you lost your parents?" Kota asked, unable to stop himself.

"I look to those that care about me for strength and push forward with every fiber in my being." Izuku answered honestly, thinking about 1-A, mostly Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kendo.

"I'll tell you my story, my name is Kota Izumi, Mandalay is my Aunt." Kota started and Izuku listened silently. "My parents were the Water Hose duo heroes, they were killed by a villain, they left me behind and alone." Kota sobbed out.

"I heard about that on the news, they saved five-hundred people that day, they are true heroes." Izuku said honestly, his voice filled with respect for the duo and sympathy for Kota. "They didn't want to leave you Kota and you're not alone, you have your Aunt and the rest of the WWP with you, they care about you." Kota looked up at him in shock. "Even if it's not the same as your parents, and nobody could ever replace them, your Aunt cares about you." Kota started bawling again. "Judging by the look on her face when you left without eating she's trying her best and you're throwing it back in her face, I'm not trying to lecture you and I'm sorry if that's what it sounds like." Izuku apologized. "Are you ready to head back or do you want to stay here for a while longer."

"I'll stay here a little while longer." Kota said quietly.

"Alright then, stay safe, I'm heading back to camp." Izuku said getting up.

Izuku got up and put his mask back on before grabbing his plate and starting on his journey back to the camp. When he arrived he washed his dirty dishes before grabbing his stuff and headed to the bath early. He soaked for about ten minutes before the other guys arrived. They joined him in the outdoor tub. He continued his soak for another ten minutes before leaving with Zuke giving them a message.

"If I hear anything about anybody attempting to sneak a peak there'll be hell to pay." Zuke threatened.

"Understood Zuke." Every boy responded with a shiver of fear.

Izuku got out of the tub and as he was walking away they saw the scarring on Izuku's back from Bakugo and Shigiraki. Many of them gasped while everybody was shocked. Izuku put on his mask before continuing out. He got dressed but didn't put a shirt on before heading towards the boys cabin set up for the training camp. On the way he heard a gasp from behind him. It was Kota and Mandalay who seemed to have made up at least slightly.

"Sorry, I thought I'd be able to make it to the cabin before anybody saw me." Izuku apologized sincerely.

"It's no problem, I was coming to thank you for what you said to Kota." Mandalay answered staring at the scars on his chest and stomach.

"There's no need." Izuku said humbly.

"Yes there is, because of you Kota and I's relationship is on the mend." Mandalay said insistently.

"Is that scarring on your back from the incident for investigation or sometime else?" Kota asked worriedly.

"The burn scar is, but the stab scar is from the other incident." Izuku answered honestly, confusing Mandalay.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mandalay asked, also worried.

"I noticed the hatred he has or had for heroes so in an attempt to get him to open up I told him my life story." Izuku answered honestly, not seeing a need to hide his actions. "I didn't try to force his story out of him or anything like that."

Izuku took his mask off before putting his shirt on.

"How did you get the scarring on your back?" Mandalay asked mostly worried but a little curious as well.

"An incident that occurred at the beginning of the year, you don't need to worry about me, it doesn't hurt too much anymore." Izuku said trying to ease Mandalay and Kota's worry. "Recovery Girl forces me to get regular check ups on it so I know that it is fully healed."

"Good night, see you tomorrow for training." Mandalay said, unsure of how to switch topics without things getting awkward so she opted to end the conversation instead.

"Good night, see you tomorrow." Izuku said with a genuine smile. "I'm glad you and Kota are mending your relationship, I hope things get easier for you."

Izuku then headed towards the cabin where the others arrived shortly after. Izuku was just sitting on one of the bottom bunks waiting for them knowing they'd either have questions or comments.

"Was that the scarring that Bakugo caused?" Kirishima asked curiously.

"He was disowned meaning he's not a Bakugo anymore, and yes the burn scar covering most of my back is." Izuku explained. "The stab wound however is not, that is a gift from Shigiraki when he made a house call." Everybody understood what he was referring to and dropped the subject. "Good night everybody."

Izuku laid down facing the wall and went to sleep to be ready to train tomorrow with OFA to increase his percentage without shifting his muscles to accommodate it.

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