Chapter 16

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It's about midday and Izuku can be seen in the woods working on quickly shifting the percentage so that he doesn't break the trees he's bouncing off of while maneuvering quickly and quietly. He has his mask on just in case Mr. Aizawa comes to get him out of the woods.

He's been going at it for a while, and is quite successful too, when Kirishima comes out to get him.

"Aizawa, it's time for lunch!" Kirishima called out.

Kirishima screamed when Izuku appeared beside him with the black mask on.

"Sorry Kirishima, didn't mean to startle you." Izuku said apologetically.

"No problem Bro, it's time for lunch and apparently we have to cook it ourselves." Kirishima said a bit uncertain.

"They told us that yesterday, lets go so that way we can pitch in on the cooking." Izuku said already exiting the forest with Kirishima on his tail.

Izuku and Kirishima headed back and split up with Izuku heading straight to cooking saving the meal from being burnt and whatnot. Izuku got everybody organized in tasks they could complete while he dealt with the finer, more difficult stuff. Soon enough everybody had a plate but was hesitant to taste it. They all watched Mr. Aizawa walk away stating that Izuku's cooking tasted just like Inko's. As soon as Mr. Aizawa was around the corner Izuku took off his mask and started eating and everybody else followed suit.

"What's up with him?" Mandalay asked, referring to Aizawa.

Izuku got up and left back to the woods to continue training after putting his mask back on.

"That's a sore subject for the both of them." Yaoyorozu said with a sad look, watching where Izuku disappeared at.

"What do you mean?" Pixie Bob asked curiously.

"Mr. Aizawa is Aizawa's stepdad." Hagakure answered nervously.

"I'm still not following." Ragdoll said, still very confused.

"Izu's mother was killed right in front of him and he was unable to save her and Mr. Aizawa hasn't really interacted with Izu since." Jiro explained in more detail. "Mr. Aizawa's reasoning is that Izu is an exact replica of his mother just the male version."

"That's why he took the time to help me and Kota, is that why he wears the mask?" Mandalay asked even more worried than she was last night.

"He wears that mask as an attempt to lessen the pain Mr. Aizawa feels and it seems like
Mr. Aizawa doesn't care that Izuku is willing to die to save him." Yaoyorozu said with barely restrained anger.

This got all the WWP's thinking and none of them could figure out a way to help them. Both are wallowing in grief but Izuku is putting more suffering on himself to help Mr. Aizawa.

Izuku came back about an hour later and spotted class 1-B arrive but avoided them not sure whether or not they could be trusted. Izuku watched as Kendo arrived and tried to greet her friends only to be met with glares from the majority of her former classmates. Kendo tried to talk but Monoma decided it was his time to die by throwing a massively sloppy punch with a copied version of Tetsutetsu's quirk. In an instant Izuku was in front of Kendo and caught Monoma's fist in is his hand before applying pressure and releasing. Izuku turned to Kendo and saw the tears in her eyes because of her former classmates actions.

"Kendo was your friend and you betrayed her." Izuku said with anger in his voice. "Unless given the go ahead by her you are to stay away from class 1-A unless instructed by either the Wild Wild Pussycats or our homeroom teachers, am I clear?"

Class 1-B started to laugh and mock Kendo and him with a few exceptions, those being Pony, Yanagi, and Tetsutetsu. All of a sudden the air around them changed and it was noticed by the pros who quickly approached and spotted the crying Kendo and the now terrified class 1-B.

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