Chapter 3

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Its been a week since the entrance exams and there has been no word, Izuku is starting to get scared but puts on a brave face so he doesn't worry his mom. All of a sudden Inko starts screaming for Izuku that his letter has arrived.

Izuku rushes out of his room to where Inko is in the living room with his letter. He decides to open the letter with his mom. When he opens the envelope a small metal disk fell onto the coffee table. Izuku picked up the disk and realized it was a hologram projector, so he put it back on the table and pressed the button to start the message.

"Hello Mr. Midoriya, normally your homeroom teacher would be the one to tell you your results but this year we had All Might do them, though I am doing yours for two reasons. One, Mr. Aizawa has informed me one your past and the resulting difficulties caused by it, and two, because while you finished a test that would take third years at least forty minutes to finish you only took ten even with spotting the purposefully hidden errors, and noticed that they were purposely hidden. So I would like you to come to my office when you arrive on Monday." The hologram of Nezu said in his cheerful voice. "Now as for the practical Exam. You tied All Might's record with your villain points alone, yet we were also counting points from a hidden category. So when we added your rescue points onto your villain points you far surpassed All Might's record therefore setting a high bar for yourself. Though the only person doubting that you'll live up to our expectations is All Might himself, though I think it's more about his record was broken then anything."

"Welcome to your hero academia!" Nezu cheered.

"You did it Izuku! I'm so proud of you!" Inko cheered, very delighted that her son can achieve his dream.

"Thank you, I love you Mom." Izuku said with his bright smile.

"Wait a minute, did he say you broke All Might's record?" Inko said upon processing the rest of what was said.

"I think he did, though I was more paying attention to the fact that I actually passed." Izuku said clearly still a bit dazed with excitement.

"Well I'm making katsudon to celebrate." Inko declared, joy filling the house.

"Let me help you." Izuku said about to get up.

"What class are you in?" Inko asked curiously.

"He's in my class, also all staff have been informed of your fear and as such all male members have been persuaded, more like threatened, by Nezu to keep a decent distance to prevent panic attacks and such." Aizawa said entering the house. "Nezu has also started construction on a separate changing room for you but it won't be done till the day after tomorrow."

Time Skip

We see Izuku arrive at UA early for his meeting with Nezu and start looking for the main office. After a while of searching Izuku finally arrives yet it is at least a half an hour till school starts, he knocks on the door and waits till he hears a soft 'come in' from the other side.

"Ah Izuku, welcome. I wanted to see you after hearing about your time and grading your test form from the entrance exam and I would like you to take this test. You have 1 hour so it's good you arrived earlier than anticipated." Nezu said after Izuku took his seat.

Izuku just nods his head and takes the test while sitting at the coffee table. He takes a little bit longer on this test than the entrance exam because he wanted to double check his answers. So he handed the test back to Nezu only 15 minutes after receiving it.

"This will take about 30 minutes to calculate your score so why don't we play a round of chess or two?" Nezu offered wanting to see if Izuku could compete with him.

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