أيادي مرتعشة تجمعان القطع المكسورة من روحها المحطمة ،
محطم ، مكسور ، طمس ،كم ستكون الحياة أسهل إذا كان لديها قلب مظلم مثل الفحم ،
Trembling hands gathering the broken pieces of her shattered soul,
Crushed, broken, obliterated,
How much easier would life be if she had a heart dark as coal,
With each day that passes it should get easier right?
So why is it one flashback takes her right back there,
The faintest flicker, the slightest moment, the hint of fragrance,
Unable to breathe,
Unable to move,
Gripped and frozen, silent tears flowing.
The lump in her throat, unable to articulate the words, The only place to find any semblance of peace is in sujood, To gather her thoughts, make herself whole again, Pleading to the only One who can ease her tormented heart.