لم تعد لديها تلك الشرارة في عينيها ، إنها تعلم أنها بحاجة لملء الفراغ ، الفراغ ، القشرة المجوفة التي خلفتها صراعات الحياة قد استخرجت السذاجة الساذجة التي كانت محتجزة في الداخل ، لقد أذلتها التجربة ، لقد انهارت تحت وطأة التوقعات ،
She no longer has that spark in her eyes, She knows she needs to fill the void, the emptiness, the hollow shell left behind after lifes struggles have scooped out the gullible naivety that was held inside, She has been humbled by experience, She has crumbled under the weight of expectations,
Tried so hard to reach some level of perfection, But she fell short in trying to achieve the impossible, All the while this dunya chipping away at her divine
connection,It finally dawned one day, she needed to let go of pleasing others and focus solely on rebuilding herself, Strengthening the bond between a servant and her
Lord, she prays,
For in the end that is the only love that lasts, the only
love that stays.