في بعض الأحيان ، نمر بمراحل في حياتنا ، مما يجعلنا نشك في وجودنا. نقوم بتعبئتها ، ورميها في المحيط ، على أمل أنه في يوم من الأيام ، قد يجد شخص مميز تلك الزجاجة ، ويفتحها ، ويبكي علينا.
"Sometimes, we go through phases in our life, which makes us doubt our existence. We bottle it up, throwing it into the ocean, in hope that one day, someone special may find that bottle, open it, and cry tears for us.
Sometimes we put a drop of our tear, into the ocean of this world, it sinks, and makes us feel like our problems mean nothing. But Allah promises us, that we mean something, he reminds us the closer we are to him, the more our hearts will be content. No matter how broken you are, no matter how many dreams have been shattered, no matter how many times you've hit rock bottom, Allahs always there, watching every cry, watching every emotion, looking at us, waiting for us to turn to him, so that we may be in peace."